Firing at Tatapani sector: Indian troops violate truce, injure civilian

AJK PM Majeed and Leader of the Opposition Raja Farooq Haider Khan condemn attack.

Indian Border Security Force (BSF) soldiers patrol over a footbridge built over a stream near the Line of Control (LoC), a ceasefire line dividing Kashmir between India and Pakistan, at Sabjiyan sector of Poonch district, August 8, 2013. PHOTO: REUTERS


Indian troops again violated the ceasefire on the Line of Control (LoC) on Saturday, injuring a 55-year-old civilian in Tatapani sector, some 180 kilometres from Muzaffarabad, local residents and the administration told The Express Tribune.

According to details, Indian soldiers opened indiscriminate fire on the civilian population of Radkhathar village in the union council of Goyai, close to the LoC around 4:00 pm in the evening. An elderly villager, Mahmood Khan, was injured in the firing. He was sitting in the front yard, when he received bullet wounds, sources said.

The injured was rushed to the district headquarters hospital Kotli where he is currently under treatment; doctors said his condition is stable.

The unprovoked firing by the Indian troops in the Tatapani sector of Azad Jammu and Kashmir has sparked panic among residents, who have mostly remained indoors since the incident.

In retaliation, Pakistan Army personnel also retaliated to the Indian firing, forcing them to stop the shelling on the civilian population.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majeed and Leader of the Opposition Raja Farooq Haider Khan condemned the ceasefire violation along the LoC and termed the incident counterproductive for regional peace and security.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 12th, 2014.
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