Four Edhi ambulances destroyed in Karachi fire

No loss of life has yet been reported.

Express News screengrab of the ambulances outside Edhi Centre.

At least four ambulances were destroyed in a fire outside Edhi Centre, near Sabzi Mandi on Wednesday, Express News reported.

No human loss was reported in the fire and the cause of the fire is not yet known.

The Edhi spokesperson said the fire spread quickly because of the wind, burning at least four ambulances. It also spread into Edhi Centre, burning the records and old clothes that were inside.

The spokesperson also said the fire department did not reach in time to minimise the damage caused by the flames.

Traffic is jammed on University Road near Edhi Centre as a result.

According to reports, the small fire spread very quickly because a petrol tank was lying in one of the vehicles.

Edhi Foundation is a non-profit organisation which provides social services like medical care, emergency services and training facilities for the disadvantaged.

The foundation is particularly known in Pakistan for its ambulance service and in 2000 Abdul Sattar Edhi was included in the Guinness Book of World Records for running the biggest private ambulance service in the world.
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