‘Make price control effective’

DCO Mengal directs market committee to display auction prices of fruits and vegetables in markets on electronic boards

A market committee administrator checks on prices of items at a market. PHOTO: Agencies


District Coordination Officer (DCO) Noorul Amin Mengal on Thursday directed the market committee to display the auction prices of fruits and vegetables in markets on electronic boards.

He was presiding over a meeting to review the arrangements made by the committee in vegetable markets in the district. Mengal directed the market committee staff to announce the auction prices daily.

He said the provincial government was committed to control price hike, profiteering and hoardings of essential commodities.He said the market committee staff should implement the price control system devised by the government in letter and spirit.

The DCO said negligence and carelessness would not be tolerated. 

Published in The Express Tribune, December 27th, 2013.
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