Good sense

The necessities of state demand that all institutions work together harmoniously, with the poise expected of them.

The prime minister’s uncharacteristically angry address to the nation, terming the judicial refusal to accept his denial that any move was afoot to withdraw the 2009 notification restoring judges as an ‘insult’ to his office, drives home a point we should take note of. When ‘respect’ is demanded, it must also be extended. The necessities of state demand that all institutions work together harmoniously, with the poise expected of them. This can happen only if the rules spelled out in the constitution are closely adhered to.

Certainly, the storm generated by media reports is unusual. But that this happened reflects on the general state of uncertainty within our nation, and what little we hear is accepted at face value. Rumours and conspiracy theories abound. In this context, Mr Gilani should also consider why his government appears to lack credibility and what can be done to restore this. It is a matter of anguish that the word of top leaders is open to doubt. Steps should be taken to remedy this situation.

The address by the prime minister also opened up other areas for thought. It is significant that during it he was flanked by the chief ministers of three provinces — but not by the Punjab CM who opted to stay away. This widening gulf could have many repercussions for the future.

We have had what amounts to a tempest in a tea-cup. Though court hearings on the matter continue, there seems to be a loss of the fury seen last week. This is good news. It is time the whole matter was put away and filed as yet another chapter in history. All sides have made their respective points clear. The most important of these is the need to effectively govern the country, and this can happen only if everyone works together, remembers that the needs of people deserve priority and that these cannot be solved in an environment of acrimony where even the sound of a pin dropping gives rise to panic.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 19th, 2010.
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