A 20-something Karachiite’s guide to surviving monotony

There comes a time when we should stop, rethink and change our course.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they feel that they are walking on a long road with no destination in sight. We continue the journey which is smooth and comfortable but also killingly monotonous. That’s the time when we should stop, rethink and change our course. Here is what one should do if they ever take a stopover:

Travel gurus – They have said that going to an unknown place is the best way to unwind. So, for a moment, don’t think about what you need your savings for, book a ticket and leave! Also, you don’t always need to leave the country. Go to a train station, hop into a compartment and let the engines decide your destination. If even this is not possible, revisit the place you live in. Go to the bazaars you have never been to and eat at places far away from the areas you frequent.

Change jobs – Quit if the job doesn’t challenge you anymore! Sometimes, working at the same place for a long period will leave your mind numb. You work every day but it is not productive and something you will be proud of. The longer you stay in this situation, the more you will lose your spark. And when you do move away, don’t look for something bigger but only something better!

Get a pet — We all prefer to be taken care of but looking after someone feels equally good. The sight of your cat waiting for you at the door when you return, or your parrot calling your name, will give you a sense of responsibility and commitment. Don’t be intimidated; animals are bundles of pure love.

Meet kids — If you need an honest opinion, a lighter perspective to your problems or to just not to have any thoughts, then go to a school or meet your baby cousins. Their senselessness will be a refreshing break from all overburdening intelligent beings.

Avoid social media — People tend to exaggerate their happiness on social networking websites, leaving one wondering where they stand on the scale of I-have-no-life to God-hates-me! Well, get a dumb phone, lock your laptop and buy DVDs of your favourite shows because you don’t deserve to sulk.

Build something — DIY are this era’s magic alphabets. A brief, not-so-critical soul search will help you realise what you do best and get moving. Buy supplies, find a corner and create!

Published in The Express Tribune, November 7th, 2013.
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