Raid: Police seize 5,000 litres of liquor

Police official says it was being supplied to the house from Bhara Kahu.

Police official says it was being supplied to the house from Bhara Kahu. PHOTO: FILE


The police claimed to have seized over 5,000 litres of substandard liquor and arrested three persons on Wednesday.

Superintendent Rawal Town Jamaat Shah Bukhari said that a police team intercepted a car near Chungi Number 8 and seized 99 litres of liquor.

During the interrogation, the driver divulged the names of the persons from whom he had bought the liquor and the location of the house it was being sold from. The police team led by SHO Sadiqabad raided the house in Alnoor Colony and seized 5,000 litres of liquor and arrested two persons.

He said the liquor was of inferior quality. The police official said it was being supplied to the house from Bhara Kahu. Cases have been lodged against the bootleggers, who will be produced in court on Thursday.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 7th, 2013.
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