Capital control: Interior ministry, CADD at loggerheads

Summary sent to PM seeks to bring CDA and ICT under its ambit.

After proposals to hand over educational institutions and hospitals to the education and health ministries were floated, CADD moved to grab control of ICT and CDA which have been traditionally controlled by the interior ministry. PHOTO: FILE


In a bid to shore up its diminishing powers, the Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) has sent a summary to the prime minister seeking control of the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) and Capital Development Authority (CDA), both lucrative authorities that govern the capital and its suburbs.

After proposals to hand over educational institutions and hospitals to the education and health ministries were floated, CADD moved to grab control of ICT and CDA which have been traditionally controlled by the interior ministry. In the past few years, the departments were handed over to the Cabinet Division.

“It is impossible for CADD to get control of ICT and CDA because a plan to put them back under the control of the interior ministry is under consideration,” said a CADD official requesting anonymity.

An ordinance in 1980 gave ICT the administrative status of a province but after the 18th Amendment was passed, the capital got three parallel administrative systems that were still being run by separate authorities.

A summary seeking jurisdiction over various education bodies not taken by the provinces post 18th amendment, has been sent for the PM’s approval by the Ministry of Education, Trainings and Standards in Higher Education. “All subjects related to the defunct ministry or any other remaining department or subject yet not handed over to the provinces should be given to the ministry,” read the summary.

In a discussion during a secretaries’ meeting, it was decided in principle that education and health bodies should be brought under their respective departments or ministries.

A proposal to hand over the administrative control of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences and Polyclinic to the Ministry of National Health Services is also under consideration.

An official at the ministry of education told The Express Tribune that after the approval of the summary, the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), Federal College of Education, Academy of Educational Planning and Management, National Education Assessment Centre, Directorate General of Special Education, National Institute of Science and Technical Education, Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority and National Language Authority would be controlled by the ministry.

Getting control of the FDE will be a big success for the education minister who is keen to bring reforms as dozens of issues halting educational progress in the capital are pending with the department. These include regularisation of over 2,000 employees, enhancing quality of education in the capital’s institutions and addressing issues like provision of textbooks.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 15th, 2013.
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