K-P will stand out from the rest of Pakistan, soon: Imran Khan

PTI chairman says his party has been in power for just 2.5 months, constant criticism immature.


People will notice clear difference between Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and the rest of Pakistan by the end of 2013, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said on Sunday.

Imran was addressing a rally in DI Khan.

The PTI chairman said that constant criticism against his party-led government was immature as the PTI had been in power for just 2.5 months for the first time in its history, while other parties had been around for decades.

He challenged those who believe PTI could not bring change and said they should "wait and see".

Reiterating his change-based agenda, Imran said the K-P government will introduce new laws and revive the system. He further said that ministers found involved in corruption would be dealt with strictly.

Imran promised to solve the water problem of the people of DI Khan and said the K-P government would build a sports facility in every district.

“We will provide good education and sports facilities to the youth of this province,” he vowed.
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