Spare the rod, spoil the...: Police baton charge student protesters

KMC final year students claim only 96 out of 283 have been given house jobs at govt hospitals.

KMC students protested on Jamrud Road against the lack of house jobs in government hospitals. PHOTO: SAMEER RAZIQ/ EXPRESS


A student protest on Jamrud Road took an ugly turn when campus police baton charged the demonstrators in a bid to clear the route for traffic. Two students were injured in the skirmish.

Final year students of Khyber Medical College (KMC) held a demonstration on Tuesday and demanded 283 students be adjusted at the three government hospitals in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for house jobs.

According to the protesters, every year 283 students complete their degree at KMC and are plugged into house jobs at the Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH), Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) and Lady Reading Hospital (LRH).

This year the HMC and LRH have not taken KMC graduates for house jobs, said one protester. He added the KTH only accommodates 96 students, leaving the remaining with few options.

The protester warned if the rest of the students were not given house jobs at the HMC and LRH, they will take to the streets and keep protesting till their demands were met.

Tuesday’s protest continued for an hour, disrupting traffic. A brawl erupted when campus police decided to use force to disperse the protesters. Two students injured in the ensuing fight between students and law enforcement personnel were taken to KTH.

Meanwhile, KMC Principal Noorul Eman and KTH Chief Executive Umer Ayub gave students assurances their demands would be met.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 11th, 2013.
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