Hottie of the week: Omar Mansoor

Omar Mansoor, a London-based couturier, entrepreneur and a well-known ambassador of Pakistani culture to the UK.

Omar Mansoor, a London-based couturier, entrepreneur and a well-known ambassador of Pakistani culture to the UK.

Status: Single

Born: Faisalabad, Pakistan

Birthday: 13th July, 1982

Who is he?

Attention, fashionistas! We present to you Omar Mansoor, a London-based couturier, entrepreneur and a well-known ambassador of Pakistani culture to the UK. This dapper gentleman’s fashion credentials include showcasing Pakistani and international dress collections at the Royal Ascot races, London Fashion Weeks and his fusion avant-garde gowns are attracting increasing attention from the British population. But Omar is not just any regular designer. This hunk  enjoys studying history, economics, poetry and sculpture, all of which serve as inspiration for his gowns and dresses. Omar’s uber chic style and playful smile help him look as great on the catwalk as any model would! Add to that the great service Omar does to our country by promoting our heritage and you will have the perfect man!

Why we love him

Omar’s distinctive style — that classic blazer and neatly gelled hair — make him look every bit the gentleman that he is! A hardworking and self-made man, Omar started his design house from scratch upon graduating from the London College of Fashion and has been working his way up bit by bit ever since.

When Omar is not busy dressing celebrities and making a name for himself and his country, he devotes much of his time to charities and non-profit enterprises including the Edhi Foundation, the British Heart and Cancer Research Foundation and the DIL Trust. He describes himself as an extremely open and outspoken person who simply cannot turn a blind eye to certain issues that affect mankind, such as poverty and hunger. A man of his word, Omar hates it when people commit to something and fail to deliver and so, gives a 100% to everything he does.  Good-looking? Check. Successful? Check. Kind-hearted philanthropist? Check too! Really, this guy just seems too good to be true.

What you didn’t know about him

If it weren’t for fashion, he would like to run his own advertising agency.

His idea of the perfect adventure is a trip to Rome or hiking on Mont Blanc.

Omar’s takes guilty pleasure in having a delicious dessert after every meal and is seeking a confident and charming young woman to share it with. So girls, call dibs before someone else does!

Published in The Express Tribune, Ms T, September 1st, 2013.

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