Braving the odds: Thousands vote in NA-1 polling stations

A lot of people were disappointed at not being able to find their names on the voter lists.

A lot of people were disappointed at not being able to find their names on the voter lists. PHOTO: AFP


Defying all threats, thousands of people showed up at polling stations across the NA-1, Peshawar-I constituency on Saturday to vote for the candidates of their choice for both national and provincial assemblies.

“This the first time in 30 years that I am voting,” said Saeed Gul, who had earlier decided not to vote but later changed his mind after being influenced by advertisements of political parties. “I used to think voting cannot bring change in this country. This time around I decided to give it a shot and see what the politicians can do for the future of the nation,” Gul said as he was heading back home with his family after voting.

Even though all major parties’ activists had set up camps to facilitate voters in finding their block codes, serial numbers and respective polling stations, a lot of people were disappointed at not being able to find their names on the voter lists.

“In the previous election, I voted in Gulbahar, but now I cannot find my name in the list of voters,” complained Amjid Wali.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 12th, 2013.
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