I’m looking forward to taking over the House of Chanel: Sanam Agha

Designer Sanam Agha would like to dress Johnny Depp and find an immortality pill to give to all her loved ones.

If I could play a character in any film ever made, I would play...

Elizabeth Taylor’s character Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958).

If I could meet one person (out of anyone that ever lived), I’d love to meet...

Nani’s (maternal grandmother’s) parents.

If I could live in another time, I’d choose...

The 1940s.

If I could be anything other than a designer/actor, I’d be...

A sculptor/painter.

If I could collaborate with any musicians (past or present), I’d work with…

David Bowie.

If I could dress any celebrity, I would choose...

Johnny Depp.

If I had to record a cover version of any song, I’d pick...

Come Together by The Beatles.

If I could be present at an historic event, it would be…

Fall of the Berlin Wall.

If I could change one thing about the world, I’d change…

The politicians.

If I could change one thing about myself/my life, I’d change…

I would find an immortality pill and give it to all my loved ones. That is all.

I’m looking forward to...

Taking over the House of Chanel and converting it into the House of Sanam (cunning plan).

Published in The Express Tribune, September 25th, 2010.
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