Setting priorities: MQM believes in serving humanity, says Altaf

Accuses ‘so-called nationalist leaders’ of fomenting differences among Sindh residents.

Accuses ‘so-called nationalist leaders’ of fomenting differences among Sindh residents.


The Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief, Altaf Hussain, has said that his party believes in the principle of politics for serving the people, and its struggle is not for power.

Serving humanity is the manifesto of MQM and it has always served people whether it was in power or not, Altaf said while talking to MQM’s office-bearers, workers and election candidates in Mirpurkhas by phone from London.

The elected representatives of MQM live among the people and share their joys and sorrows. Other parties only make tall claims at the time of elections, he said. Whether it was severe drought or devastating floods, the MQM always helped the affected people.

Altaf said that this time the so-called nationalist leaders have also come in the field in order to take advantage by fomenting differences among the permanent residents of Sindh by making hateful speeches. However, these opportunist elements should know that discrimination of new and old Sindhis has come to an end, and as for those, whose life and death is tied with Sindh, are all Sindhis.

The politically aware people of Mirpurkhas belonging to diverse ethnic backgrounds, and religious minorities are gathering under the flag of the MQM, he added.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 23rd, 2013.
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