JPMC runs into trouble with audit report

Development scheme worth Rs38.9 million never got off the ground.

Audit reports for 2009-2010 tabled in the Senate on Tuesday detail financial irregularities worth millions of rupees with those of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre topping the list.

A development scheme worth Rs38.9 million titled, “Replacement of Transmission Electron Microscope for Department of Anatomy, BMSI, JPMC, and Karachi” never got off the ground. An irregular payment of Rs100.5 million was made for pre-receipted bills to purchase equipment worth Rs51 million for the “Establishment Institute of Neurosurgery at JPMC”. The audit noted the costly equipment lying idle in the JPMC store merely because the building wasn’t ready. The department audit committee (DAC) has asked the Jinnah hospital management to inquire into the matter.

PIMS Islamabad did not fare well either. There were losses from the purchase of medicines at higher rates to the tune of Rs4.98 million. This caused a loss of Rs4.98 million to the public exchequer. And the DAC did not agree with the management’s contention.

PIMS waived the test and hospital charges worth Rs15.71 million for a large number of patients who were not necessarily entitled to Zakat. Other losses included the irrational fixing of rent for shops that came to Rs23.8 million. All cases have been sent to the DAC for investigation.

According to the report, an unauthorised Rs960,647 was spent on the vehicle, a Nissan Patrol 4146 CC jeep provided to the minister by the PIMS management. Under the rules, ministers are not allowed these kind of vehicles.

The report detailed embezzlement of Rs1.36 million by the Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC). A total of 20 cheques were issued to PMRC employees for the rent of residential accommodation even though the employees were drawing a house rent allowance. Nearly Rs3.49 million was lost because bids were not held openly for the purchase of 50,000 Hepatitis B kits and HVC kits each.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 23rd, 2010.
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