No need for electoral candidates to appear before returning officer: NA

NA passes bill to exempt candidates from appearing personally to file nomination papers.

A file photo of National Assembly. PHOTO: APP/FILE

The National Assembly on Tuesday passed a private member bill, exempting candidates from appearing in person before the returning officer at the time of submitting their nomination papers.

An opposittion member belonging to the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Zahid Hamid moved the bill to cancel the amendment made in the representation of People Act 1976 during ex-President Pervez Musharraf’s era.

The bill did not face any opposition and was passed unanimously.

Law Minister Farooq H Naek alleged that Musharraf made the amendment to prevent Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif from contesting the elections.

"With this amendment in the ROPA 1976, the Act will be restored to previous position enabling the candidates to avoid coming to Returning Officer if there is any threat or other reason," Naek said.

He explained that this law was passed to counter the uncertain security situation due to which many political leaders face a death threat. The candidates can now send their representatives to file the nomination papers instead of coming themselves.

"After this amendment becomes an act, personal appearance of a candidate will not be mandatory. If any person desires to go to file his or her nomination papers, he can but if they do not desire, they cannot be compelled to appear in person at the time of filing the nomination papers," Naek further explained.

PML-N member Naseer Bhutta described the amendment as important while Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) member Waseem Akhter and Waqas Akram also supported the bill.
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