Art competition: Capturing the spirit of Karbala on canvas

Artists divided into two categories for painting scenes from the battle and calligraphy.

To portray the spirit of Karbala, many artists opted for red as the colour of choice to depict the mayhem of the Karbala battleground.


Thirteen centuries on, Karbala continues to inspire both soldiers and artists. A calligraphic and painting competition, “Ashurai Saqafat” was organised by the Khana Farhang Iran in collaboration with Rawalpindi Arts Council on Monday.

To portray the spirit of Karbala, many artists opted for red as the colour of choice to depict the mayhem of the Karbala battleground. The artists were divided into two categories. One category painted scenes of Karbala while the other focused on calligraphy.

Imam Hussain’s horse Zuljanah dominanated various canvases. “For many the horse is the perfect symbol to portray Karbala, some will show him standing forlorn weeping the loss of his master while others show him charging right into the battleground proud and strong,” said Urooj, a visitor at the event. While many used oil on canvas for their pieces, some sketched scenes from charcoal pencil.

In the calligraphy category, many artists used simple black and gold to paint poetic verses, with mainly red, orange and yellow as the background. “I have taken inspiration from the countless writings, nohas and verses written on this incident. Every year during Muharram I find myself more and more inspired to paint,” stated Ali Raza, one of the participants.

Khana Farhang Iran Director General Muhammad Akbari was the chief guest, while calligraphers Khwaja Mohammad Hussain and Azeem Iqbal judged the competition. Akbari said, “Many artists, poets and writers who have taken their inspiration from the incident of Karbala, I encourage young artists to do the same” he stated.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 9th, 2013.
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