There’s an app for William Shatner!

App allows users to choose from words to arrange sentences, which Shatner will then recite in his trademark voice.

The former Star Trek captain, now 81, is featured in Blindlight Apps ‘Shatoetry’, which catapulted to the top of the entertainment app list on Apple iTunes last week on its first day of release.

The celebrity app allows users to choose from hundreds of words to arrange sentences, which Shatner will then recite in his trademark voice and style. There is also a mode that allows Shatner fans to collaborate on ‘Shatisms’ and there are single-player challenges like creating Haiku and poetry. You may also remember him from the popular TV show “Boston Legal” where he played Denny Crane.

Shatner, currently touring the country with his  one-man Broadway show “Shatner’s World,” took a few minutes to talk about this technology.

On a question about how would he like to expand this app, he said: “We want to make additions and expand once we know that people love the app, when we get an audience. We have in mind adding words, music, holiday themes, events in everyday life so it can be used by everyone.” 

Published in The Express Tribune, November 8th, 2012.

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