Management council in tug-of-war

The new twist in the tale came after the MC received a letter signed by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Health Minister.

A tug of war between the Management Council (MC) of Ayub Medical Institution (AMI) and its chief executive has intensified to an extent that the institution’s future seems at stake.

Earlier this month, the MC accused the chief executive of misusing his powers.

The new twist in the tale came after the MC received a letter signed by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Health Minister Syed Zahir Ali Shah. Addressing the health secretary, the minister has shown his support for the chief executive in the letter and asked the secretary to suspend the MC till an inquiry is launched into the matter.

MC members, however, claim that only the provincial government – under direct orders by the chief minister – can appoint members in the council, suspend them or dissolve the council. Sardar Ibrar, a member of MC, said that he will challenge the letter in a court of law.  The situation is troubling for the lower tiers of management as well as employees say there is a sense of insecurity prevailing.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 28th, 2010.
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