The Condemned: A documentary on Ahmadi persecution
The short documentary is a collection of testimonies in which those Ahmadis who have faced persecution narrate the target killings of loved ones, discrimination at the hands of fellow students and what it is like to live in jail as a blasphemy convict.
A town called Rabwah
Rabwah, is a town of District Jhang with the highest population of Ahmadis in Pakistan. The town is also home to some who have been convicted of blasphemy and under the anti-Ahmadi Ordinance of 1984, making them prisoners in this town.
A major chunk of the report was filmed in Rabwah and identities of some community members have been hidden for the sake of their security. The young man who shares the story of the horrors his family faced after his brother was accused of blasphemy has now left Pakistan. Therefore, we took the risk of showing his face on-camera. The town still provides a sense of security for the rest, so the condemned could speak with hidden faces.
Terror and truth
“Is she sure she will be able to run the interviews? What about the censorship, what about the backlash?”
These were the questions asked when this scribe approached the Ahmadi community members for the video report on their plight. Such concerns arose as a consequence of their experience with the mainstream Urdu press, who finally dared to address the Ahmadi debate after the May 28, 2010 bombings at two Ahmadi places of worship in Lahore. Unfortunately, the Urdu press continued its precedent of not covering the faith-based target killings of Ahmadis, not raising the question of discrimination faced by this community, and continuing to cover events by different religious organizations that are openly anti-Ahmadi.
However, the regular coverage of Ahmadi persecution and threat to the lives of community members by leading English publications eventually opened space to allow video documentation of the persecution of this minority group.
A brilliantly done job. Keep it up.
@aysabakhat: Making a general statement and trying to defame a person or a community is not fair. So, I request you to prove your allegation.
@Mohsin Sayeed: Reality is bitter so if the persons favouring what present Rabid no matter and if some of them are innocent Muslim beware of the tactics of this Jamaat they only wanted to defaced Islam and Pakistan
Belated Eid Mubarik to all.
@iftikhar ahmad: This paper is all for you. Staffed by you. News about u.
@Sardar KHAN: What happens in the world hereafter is the business between each person and his God. But how come you are making peace for Ahmadis conditional to accepting a certain set of beliefs. Does Islam lay down such like conditions for grant of peace to its people? La Iqra Fid Deen?
Who will the promised Messiah be? Will he be a prophet? How will the onset of the promised Messiah affect the finality of the prophet-hood? I look forward to response from all Muslims and the sundry, the ones who are not Ahmadis.
An Eye opening documentary . You've really put in your efforts. Wonder if it will ever be on-aired by some news channel.
@MuzJee: When it appears in the Urdu media,then there is hope and a new dawn
@Aaryan: Just come to the true Islam,"Saying I believe Prophet Muhammud the FINAL Prophet of ALLAHA SWT. and no one is a prophet after HIM PBU." I assure you will have peace not only in this world but also in the next life.
Allah grant secure shelter to all Ahmedies.
@Ahmad: I appreciate your condemnation of the persecution of Ahmedis. Examples of all types are available to be quoted and so are the proverbs e.g. Might is Right. However, the universally accepted moral values and more importantly the teachings of the Holy Quran and the teachings/practice of the holy prophet (pbuh) are the beacon light for us while quoting examples and practicing our deeds. I also condemn the killings/persecution of Muslims in Burma, other parts of the world or even in Pakistan. However, these killings and persecutions should not be cited to cover up or belittle the persecution of others like Ahmedis. A bad thing is bad. It's rather surprising to learn from you that the Law is for protecting the belief of majority living in this country and quoting the example of Germany. I think we need to give good example to support our arguments. The majority should have full faith in its beliefs and needs no protection of law that restrictions are imposed on a minority for fear of conversions from majority to the minority. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) did not spread Islam following what you are talking about. The holy prophet (pbuh) displayed strength of his character to spread Islam which manifested truthfulness, honesty, justice, tolerance and kindness. He did not introduce any law to prevent others from practicing their faith and even preaching it. I am really surprised that you think your beliefs to be so vulnerable that you need the support of a law. Beliefs come from within and can't be forced upon others.
Let us first agree if a promised messiah was to come in this era or not. Whether that person has come or not can only be dealt with after agreement on the first question. If the answers is positive, then we ought to agree that the advent of messiah will not adversely affect the Khatamiat of the holy prophet (pbuh).
Brilliant and brave job done.
Hazarat Ghulameahmed of Qadian (AS) was an "ASHIQE SADIQ" [TRUE LOVER] of Hazarat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) and NO one can match that. The Non-Ahmadis who call them Muslims should "READ" the books of the Promised Messiah and find out the true stature of the Messiah,
Well, I'm sure, no channel in this country has the courage to broadcast it on air. However it is a great effort and courage to discuss the taboo of Ahmadis, and hence appreciable. Reading out all the comments above, disappoints me even more. We are so biased, even our so-called educated ones can't make the sense out of it and their stubborn prejudiced minds against Ahmadis come out with radical thoughts. This docummentary does not deal with what their religion is. It deals with what your religion is (i.e. Islam) and what are you doing in the name of islam. Leave them whatever they are until they are not creating disorder or rebellion in Pakistan. At least give them the basic human rights, if you are not willing to give them their rights as Pakistanis. Shame on you. I blame these educated illiterate Pakistanis more than the uneducated ones. what is the use of this education when it was unable to remove the filth of your minds? Just think...
When a Muslim says "la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah" he/she confirms his/her belief that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the LAST Prophet. Those who do not believe in this, (like the Hindus, the Christians, The Jews and so forth, ) do not declare themselves as Muslims, so they are tolerated much more than those who try to deceive other Muslims by pretending to be Muslims while they are NOT.
As for hatred and killings, the report says 200 Ahmadis are killed as a result of hatred since 1984,,,,,, Without being supportive of those killings, I want to draw attention that target killings which happen every day in Karachi alone amount to much more, and need to be addressed on a higher priority.
On the prevalence of Islamic Law in Pakistan, surely we have astrayed a lot from the main course, and from the reason why our forefathers gave their blood to get us independence. And surely we have forgotten or deleted the echoes of 1947 when scores would chant day after day without fear , "Pakistan Ka Matlub Kiya, La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah"
its been more than 200 years, it is not the early years. Ahmadi's are non- Muslims and its a fact. Otherwise u r trying to say that 1.5 Arab of Muslims are Kaafir.
@A brother in faith: It is because Shia-muslims are not condemnd as being Non-Muslim, but Ahmadi Muslims are declared to be non-Muslim by whole so called Muslim Ummah. Shia Muslims are allowed to say Assalamoalaikum, do Adhan, say Kalima Shahada, say that they are Muslims, but these rights the Ahmadiyya followers do not have.
SO by most muslims defintion. If you are a non muslim you are eligible to die. I hope that is not the case in other religions because millions of muslims live in western countries. If their religion which we muslims believe is inferior to islam can teach them tolerance against non muslims than we should be fine. But if it doesnt very soon laws would be passed to kill all non christians, jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists in their respective countries. The final judgement is in the hands of Allah. We are nobody to judge someones faith. Its between them and their god. Ahmedis are Pakistanis just like shias, sunnis and deobandis. Our laws should protect them and not allow these murderous factions to propogate hate and discrimnation against. Them We as Paksitanis should be against all forms of hate and discrimination. Becasue it it is their women in children today it can be yours tomorrow. Hate does not discriminate. Also despite all that these mullahs have done to the Ahmedis I have not seen one incident of intolerance from the Ahmedis towards anyone. Not even the ones who slaughter them. I think they are more practicing in their faith of tolerance than most so called muslims I know.
Indeed a very refined piece of work by Rabia Mehmood, highlighting the atrocities against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Now it is a challenge for the journalists in Pakistan to seek answers from the perpetrators, and ensure their answers are enlightened by the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet of islam. They may start by explaining why is it okay to defy "There is no compulsion in religion" and "killing one person is like killing the entire nation"...May truth prevail, Inshya Allah!
@Usama Javed: I am extremely shocked to read your comments saying that Ahmedis are not Muslim.Ahmdis believe in KALMA and 5-pillars of Islam and Holy Book called Holy Quran.The final shariat from GOD.Read little bit about Islam and history.Please read the last Sermon of Holy Prophat peace be upon .For God sake read and observe how he lived his life his treatment with non-muslims his merci for poor people.Let me ask you do you know what Ahmedis believe in .I want to communicate with if you are willing to and use descent language Other wise God bless you . have a nice day.
@Sardar KHAN: Thank you very much for the compliments. Yes Sir Ahmadis do take shelter under the Holy Quran always and every time. It is Allah's Book and to HIM, Ahmadis always fall back to seek guidance and shelter in all their difficult times and also in their moments of happiness. Yes Sir Ahmadis take pride in it.
Thanks for showing real face of the society, May Alla enable them to understand the real message of Islam.
@Usama Javed: Dear Usman Salam-a-Masnoon You are very much mitaken. If Ahmadie are not muslims in spite of the fact they love Islam, practice it and propagate it, then who else is Muslims, who never care for the teachings of the HOLY Quran, who are erasing Kalma Tayyab from the face of Masajid and who are killing innocent people..., Absolute culmination of Prophethood is against the teaching of Islam and Quran and Ahadiths. Are you not waiting for Hadhrat Eis a s to come? The prophethood which is culminated is with a new Shariah. Din-a-mullah fee sbeelillah fsad. May Allah guide you. No one has right to give verdict in the matter of faith not even Assembly. Ask guidence from Allah. May Allah guide you the path He is pleased with Aameen. Zarif Ahmad
Jazakallah Rabia for bringing this up. May Allah help you in every step of your life. In such a state where one does not have a secured life, how next generations can flourish and grow. This negativity will hinder in the development of Pakistan. Students should raise questions of quality of education and services in the country but not one's religion afterall they all are Pakistani. Everyone has to face the Day of Judgement. Leave this for that and live the world peacefully and @Sarah Ahmadis are Muslims, you can ask any Ahmadi kid to recite Kalma Tayyaba for you.
Also, there is a Divine Hand of God on Ahmadis, whenever something bad happen in one part of the world, HE Bless millions other Ahmadis living in other peaceful countries, these sacrifices are not going fruitless.
Very well done Rabia Mehmood! Really a good documentary. JAZAK ALLAH.
I salute those who persecute. May Allah give all of us the same courage and strength Ameen.
Ahmadiyyat Zindabad
@Sardar KHAN:
I did not read all comments but read your post. I find your logic very naive and irrational. Your fist statement amused me. You wrote, “The trouble with you marzais/ahmedis is if you have nonswer to thepoint raised,you jump to take a sheild of Holy Quran.” Brother, is there any shield more compulsive than Holy Quran? If Holy Quran covers anybody than all other theological arguments will not change any true Muslim’s mind. All other arguments automatically become null and void when Quran states otherwise. Mind you, I am not saying that he is right or you are right I am just showing you the hollowness of your logic. Secondly, you are assuming and accusing that Ahmadis never read Quran properly. Ahmadis can level similar allegation against you. Therefore, this kind of generalization and sweeping statements does not stand in any intellectual and productive discussion. Brother, generalization is a byproduct of a subjective approach and you can never achieve any results from it, except, maligning each other and each other’s believes. May Allah guide all of us on the right path.
first of all, i salute Rabia Mehmood and ET for once again giving space to the plight of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. As mentioned above, English media is daring to dedicate its pages for the oppressed but i wonder when will the popular Urdu media will bother to highlight these issues. The Urdu paper of the Express group continuously prints Anti-Ahmadiyya hateful propaganda just like Jang, Nawa e Waqt, etc. This tells us that the group owner is pleasing both liberal and rightist forces by his English and Urdu publications. Though i am very thankful to ET for producing this documentary, but still i can’t resist saying that the target viewers of this documentary are liberal or at least educated class. I wish Mr Lakhani would allow it to be telecasted on Express News channel as well, which has a wider range of viewers, if he is honest in raising awareness against persecution. The 2nd amendment, the Ordinance XX and blasphemy law are a clear violation of human rights in pakistan. Without repealing such black laws we cannot hope for a better pakistan. Ahmadis are loyal and patriot citizens of this country and have equal right to live and demand equal human rights. God bless Pakistan
@Sardar KHAN: We, the Ahmedis, believe Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the promised Messiah who always claimed to be the follower of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and Islam and so we do, the Ahmadis. One of his couplets in Persian when translated in English would mean, "I am mesmerized by the love of Muhammad (pbuh) after the love of God, if doing so is kufr, I have committed a great kufr".
We, the Ahmedis, don't force others to become Ahmedis as we believe in La Ikra fi Din. With the prevalent persecution of Ahmedis, only a fool will become Ahmedi without due conviction knowing the price he/she may have to pay for the conversion. Going by your words that the promised Messiah will be Hazrat Esa's (as) second coming, please explain as to how this second advent will occur and if Hazrat Esa (as), during his second advent, be a prophet or not.
Qadyan is the name of a village in Amritsar and certainly all Ahmedis do not belong to Qadyan which is why we call ourselves Ahmedis and not Qadyanis just like all Muslims are not Makki or Madni. Also, Mirza is a caste of persian clan and there are many non Ahmedis who use Mirza as a prefix to their name but all Ahmedis do not belong to that clan which is why we don't call ourselves as Mirzais. The holy prophet (pbuh) asked his followers not to call others by bad names and not to abuse others and so on. So, we expect the followers (which we, the Ahmedis, too, are) of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to practice what you believe in and follow his teachings and practices.
@Sardar KHAN: Name of followers of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed is Ahmadis and the Passport of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan marks them as 'Ahmadiyya' which is the right name of Ahmadis and they proudly call themselves. Calling somebody or some religion by a name which is not the name of that religion just to offend or tease is contrary to the teachings of Holy Quran which you as a Muslim must be reciting. It is not expected from a reasonable and a sober person to resort to such a practice.
@Naeem Rana: Going through all this and perceiving it to be such how else do you have to learn the way to popularity!
Great job!!!!
Nice work, I hope some has guts to air this.
great work done by journalist
when I heard that two of our mosques were attacked it was heart-rending news for me then I was informed that my father was martyred there, I recited the verse inna lillahi_ wa_ innaillaihay_ rajeoon.At that time society was supposed to give me moral support but I was marooned at all, My class fellows were told to stay away from me.My best friends used to abuse me that" I am an infidel and a follower of apostate prophet",After his demise I along with my family were confined to the premises of our house and we were discriminated in the society but Almighty Allah is with us we have nothing to do with you,but we have to do with the great teachings of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and Almighty Allah .I leave my case to the court of Allah, I seek justice and refuge from His divine court,not the court of yours.My message is LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE
In every religion they have their own identity and their own name like, Christians, Jews , Hindus Muslims so and so, The Muslims are the followers of Muhammed (PBUH) and believes on one God (ALLAH), Ahmedis don't believe that the Muhammed (PBUH) is the last holly prophet and they have so many disbelieves with Muslims and the follow Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani then why they keep insisting to being called Muslims? They represent their selves with title "Muslman" and want to use the name "Masjid" for their worship places. If they have conflicts on believes with Muslims then why they don't come up with some other Title which represent their own identity? Most of the time Muslims got annoyed when Ahmedis called their selves a Muslim, this is not acceptable to most of the "Musalman Community". Like what if Hindus of Pakistan start calling their selves a Muslim and claim that the word "Musalman" is not registered only for the followers of Muhammed (PBUH) we can also use it.
@Muslim: Isn't it an utter confession on your part that you can not support your beliefs with reason or reference from the holy book? You, as Muslims, are supposed to preach and spread Islam. Let's see doing that. But do it following the sunnah of the holy prophet i.e. personal conduct of love, peace and tolerance.
@Ali: Almost all Muslms believe in the advent of a Messiah & Mehdi as was foretold by Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). Even non Muslims like the Christians, Hindus and Budhists are waiting for the Christ, Krishna and Budha. We, the Ahmedis, do consider Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a prophet, the promised Messiah and Mehdi. Non Ahmedis are still waiting for one.
Sardar KHAN: @Akhshay;india I am surprised to see my name being used by a bunderstani to comment on this story.Either you are a raw paid agent or a habutual liar to use other persons identity.This proves how low these bunderstanis could go to melign the name of Pakistan.To put the record straight:- a) Pakistan is not a secular state at all.It is Islamic Republic i.e.Islam is the religion of State b)Bunderstan is a so called secular state.But in reality it is a hindu state in all its actions. c)Record on the treatment of miniorities of bunderstan is so bad it is known all over the world and whatever you do you can't hide it. d)So stop using fictitious name to melign,giving bad name and spreading dirt on Pakistan. By using a muslim name,you will not succeed in your dirty games for which you are paid. As for as the real truth is you bunderstanis are upto their neck in supressing and killing the people of miniority religion in your country.It is still going on in assam.You must die with shame for all the trouble your countrymen are giving to your own countrymen the mniorities.Hope you will never again use someone else' name to comment.It will be better not to coment at all.On the other hand you bunderstanis are so shameless it will not shame you at al. .
@tariq: You have all the right to call others as Muslims or non Muslims or whatever you feel like. However, if you are a follower of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), you must be knowing that the holy prophet (pbuh) considered everyone a Muslim who recited Kalima. So, you may like to ask your self as to what your true beliefs are?
@Usama Javed: What about the arrival of the promised Messiah?
I fully agree with you.@Akshay, India:
@Usama Javed: In the history of the Islam the Definition of a muslim has been never made, this is done first time in Pakistan, if u really know the history of Islam. What u talking about the other muslim’s rights? Are they having the patent of Words Muslim, Mosque or even verses of Quran. So that no one else can use it for own self. And this is not the responsibility of state to decide the faith of any single one. State has no right to make decision regarding anyone faith, this is obvious from the early Islamic state example.
I must say that "Hat's Off to you". You have done a great job...! And people who dare to speak the Truth. Allah is always with them...
this ideology of Pakistani Mullahs show that it was better to be persecuted as Muslims by the hands of Hindus in India. It is far more shameful attitude that some sects who have gained power or influence over others start such persecution especially Ahmadies are facing it at regular intervals and seeking help from Allah Almighty.
@Observer: "! Not only the Ahmedis, but the Mohajirs have also come to regret the Partition", who told you that we Ahmadies are regretting the partition. There is not a single Ahmadi in Pakistan who regrets Partition or creation of Pakistan. This is our homeland more than those mullahs who were against the پ of Pakistan. Ahmadies have been and will always remain at the forefront whenever our dear homeland requires any sacrifices or services. History of Pakistan, of course not the tempered history but the legitimate history, has never faced a situation where our country required the services and sacrifices and Ahmadies were not at the forefront. Ahmadies have fought with the military in 1948 at the front of Kashmir, the battle of Run of Kuch was fought by Gen Iftakhar Janjua, battle of Chawinda by Gen Abdul Ali Malik, In Air force Sqd Leader Munir ud din and many more who have been omitted from the history for they all were Ahmadies. Dr. Salam's contributions and services are no more hidden, Ch. Zafrullah Khan's services have been given complete twists and tempered in history books but true accounts are always available for the truth seekers.
To be very honest, for the first time ever I felt sympathy for Ahmadies. Conversely its a biassed video, like the producer should have added the general opinion of true Islamic Scholars too. An advice to Ahmadies, stop calling yourself Muslim and stop associating your believes with Islam, this is the only solution to stop yourselves from persecution. Islam has limitations, nobody has the right to change it accordingly. However being a Sunni Muslim, I condemn the brutal maassacre of humanity in Pakistan.
Murtaza Hussain! No sane person should be keen to pretend or represent the faith that you are presenting under the beautiful garb of Islam. I am shocked to read your logic. Right or wrong . . ..does this justify the shameful cruelties on the innocent victims of school going teenage and tender age children????. If this is how you interpret Islam, THE RELIGION OF PEACE, then I am sorry to say that the people around you should be worried about their fate. Because tomorrow if somebody with a stronger muscle applies the same logic to you, then you probably will have no place to run away. The key to understanding is to apply the same logic to yourself and then see how it looks like. Please give some calm and quiet thing to my submissions.
@Muhammad Irfan: Just like you have the right to call one whatever you want, others have the right to practice or say whatever they want.
How ironic!! The Ahmedis were at the forefront in demanding the formation of Pakistan in order to be free from Hindu "tyranny"!! Not only the Ahmedis, but the Mohajirs have also come to regret the Partition as declared by Altaf Hussain in Delhi. Altaf openly said the Partition was a mistake and asked india to take back the 20 Million Muhajirs. All this proves that the narrow ideology of religion can never be a sound foundation for a nation.
@Haroon Baloch: Honestly ask the same question from your heart, I am sure you will get the answar. Reply one of my question: Have god given the rights to a human or state to decide about somesone religion or faith?? Is their any example except from Pakistan that any state has declared someone faith ?? By the way Ahmedis are not living only in Pakistan a major count is living in India and other countries as well - had God given the right to any one to kill on faiths grounds ?? expel from school, my dear you are not facing hate propogenda on the basis of faith, otherwise you never have said these word that expel from school is normal job - Allah na keray ke app kabhi hate compaign ka target banoo, specially in Pakistan
@Junaid: Who are you or any state to decide someone's faith and religion. My friend can you tell me if God has given the right to you do decide some mone faith and propogate that. I do not think that ou even have a basic knowledge of Islam, Islam is a greatest religion but you know Mulims are called terrorists due to people like you and have similar thoughts. You might not know that million of Muslims are living in non-muslim countries and enjoying full rights, where as Islam claim the same but people like to hijacked Islam and presenting it as a worse religion on earth. Be happy and re-think on your knowledge.
Rabia Mehmood - Not only a great Job but also a brave job for producing documentary. We will pray for your safety and longlife from extremist wing of Pakistan, as they are tollerent at all. Few example you may find in comments given by some of our friends with the start that they are not in favour of slutter someone but bla bla bla. My only question is what Islam teaches us ?? are we really practicing that ?????