Preparing for monsoon: KESC sets up teams to resolve complaints

Areas with illegal electricity connections are at greater risk.


With the monsoon season just around the corner, rural Sindh will probably face floods again. But here in Karachi, the biggest threat to life is electrocution by naked wires. Strong winds weaken the wires which snap and fall into water accumulated on the streets during rain.

To try and stop this, Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) has set up teams that the people can interact with to report any issues or to help with the repairs. If the residents have an incident to report they can also call 118 and register their complaint. If that number cannot be reached then the team can be reached at 021- 38115372.

KESC says it will be working closely with city and town administrations to monitor and deploy support teams and materials to areas with rain-related incidents. It will try to provide alternative arrangements to ensure that pumping of sewage water does not stall for long periods of time because of power outages. KESC says that they hope to respond quickly to calls and complaints and the maintenance work can take up to two to three hours.

KESC spokesperson, Aminur Rahman told The Express Tribune that areas with illegal electricity connections are all considered to be high-risk areas because of exposed wires.

The people are advised not to touch water-soaked or fallen electricity wires, wet poles and stay away from standing pools of water. They should also avoid touching wires, doorbells, and other electrical appliances with wet hands and when it is raining.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 20th, 2012.
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