‘Can do’ attitude needed for social development

Instead of complaining about the state of affairs, why not step up to a challenge?.

These days, those of us with patriotic fervour burning in our hearts; while sitting in our offices, homes and coffee shops; cannot help but feel frustrated and depressed watching the rising levels of poverty, never-ending economic challenges, mounting inflation and spiralling lawlessness.

Pakistan is our country. It has given us life, it has given us freedom, it has given us pride, honour and a land to call our home – we must not let it, and the society we live in, slip away without putting up a strong fight.

I have thought long and hard about what we, the like-minded masses, can do and how we can work together to make a difference. I sincerely believe that we are all born with some unique qualities: some with the passion to help the needy, some to lead with the power of their pen, some with immense wealth, and some with a creative mind that can come up with innovative ideas and insights in their efforts to change the world around us.

The key is that everyone plays their respective roles in the society we live in, so that no one sits idle and everybody contributes.  Here are some ideas on how and where we can apply our untapped energy and passion. Remember that every act can make a difference, and together, if we act in concert, we can change circumstances for the better.

Some amazing work is already being done by sincere and empathetic organisations across Pakistan: both in rural, as well as urban areas. Anyone can contribute or join as a volunteer to these causes. Areas you can help include:

Health care

Due to a lack of government funding to invest in enhancing health care, many commendable private sector initiatives are taking place where philanthropists and foundations are working together to manage and finance key health initiatives. These range from assisting local government hospitals and providing financing to poor patients, to practically setting up entire new facilities and operating them. There are also other innovative ventures where the poor are provided with affordable health insurance and other value added services.


With a national literacy rate below 50%, there is an urgent need to educate the masses – especially the younger generation. If we are to fight fanaticism, lack of governance and discipline, we have to invest as a nation into creating a more educated and skilled workforce. Hundreds of initiatives in this regard are operational, from running entire school systems to sponsoring students, and all the way down to volunteering time for teaching.


Absence of funding initiatives is a major impediment to social development, especially when we talk about fostering entrepreneurism among the poor. Many skilled individuals at the bottom of the pyramid do not have access to capital and hence cannot make a living or establish a start-up business. Various microfinance instruments and models are offered by banks and social development agencies in this regard, and you might be able to lend a hand.

Children with Special Needs

This group of fellow citizens is the one most in need of our attention, as it receives least support from government institutions. Citizens suffering from deafness, blindness or genetic abnormality and other handicaps need our sincere help. Many specialised NGOs are doing an impressive job in this field.

Orphans, Runaways and Street Kids

There are many impressive and innovative initiatives on this front which need volunteers and funding to scale up. You can step forward and lend a hand in playing a part in helping children off the street and into the classrooms.

The reason institutions and organisations working for these causes need volunteers, funding and other help is because the government has limited resources and a growing population to cater to. As responsible citizens, we cannot sit twiddling our thumbs as these initiatives will collapse without adequate support. I urge each and every one of you to contact a genuine social cause, foundation, trust or NGO in your region; whose charter may be close to your heart; and join them as a volunteer to help make a lasting difference for Pakistan.


Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2012.
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