Pornography linked to mental illness among kids

According to a psychotherapy clinic, use of porn features in 26.5 percent of young patients.

Online porn is linked to a quarter of mental illnesses among kids, British researchers have claimed.

The figure was revealed as Prime Minister David Cameron Sunday signalled his support for a web clampdown on extreme images.

According to London's Portman clinic, a National Health Survey (NHS) outpatient psychotherapy clinic, use of porn features in 26.5 percent of young patients. It has risen from less than one per cent in the late 90s, The Sun reported.

A Parliamentary report led by Tory MP Claire Perry has called for a web porn ban on all computers - unless adults "opt in".

It found up to 27 percent of boys access it weekly.

Cameron told MPs that he had urged internet firms "to look at offering a choice of blocking adult content".

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