International Aid: Rebuilding lives, brick by brick

UNCHR builds brick homes for Bajaur and FATA IDPs as they return home.


The head of the UN refugee agency in Pakistan and the federal minister for states and frontier regions (SAFRON) toured areas of Bajaur Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, where international support was beginning to help internally displaced persons (IDPs) to restart their lives.

Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Pakistan Neill Wright and Safron Minister Engineer Shaukat Ullah Khan visited Rashakai, one of the villages in the agency where UNHCR’s implementing partner, the Norwegian Refugee Council, built brick homes for some of the returning IDPS who had to leave their homes during the military operation which ended in April 2011.

Ahsanullah and his family were among those selected for one of the 250 one-room shelters UNHCR funded across Bajaur, a press release said. He told the visiting dignitaries that he returned to his village nine months ago after living in the Jalozai camp for the internally displaced for three years. 

Published in The Express Tribune, April 4th, 2012. 
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