Indian police arrests former Pakistani national over ‘spying’ for ISI

Kamran Akbar, 39, was ‘tasked’ to collected defence-related documents from New Delhi: police.

A former resident of Karachi who has lived in India since 1990 was arrested on Wednesday after he was “lured” by the Inter-Services Intelligence agency into spying for Pakistan, Indian police said.

Kamran Akbar arrived in India in 1990, studied in the country and is married to an Indian girl, Ashok Chand, district commissioner of police (crime), said.

Chand claimed that Akbar was arrested last week and produced in court under charges of espionage after “sensitive” documents pertaining to defence were recovered from his possession.

Akbar, 39, took petty jobs in Pakistan after he quit his studies and came to Kolkata on a valid Pakistani passport to visit his relatives in India.

“He came to India through Attari (Wagah) border and stayed with his uncle Muhammad Salim in Kolkata. Akbar along with Salim and his associate Asraf Khan went to Goa. Salim had worked as a guide there and was well acquainted with Goa’s topography.

“As they were short of funds, they committed two house robberies in Goa and they were arrested during the second house robbery. Akbar was released from jail in 1996,” Chand said.

Upon his release, he came back to Kolkata to the house of his relative at Ibrahim Road. “There, an Indian passport in the name of Asif Hossain was prepared for him,” he said. “On this Indian passport, he procured a one-month visa and went to Pakistan in July 1997.”

Chand claimed that military Intelligence agencies in Pakistan recruited him after they learnt that he had stayed in India and had acquired an Indian passport. “He was recently tasked to come to Delhi to collect defence-related documents which were to be sent to his handlers in Pakistan. The man was apprehended while he was on way to board a train for Kolkata after collecting the documents,” he said.
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