Hours before govt caves in, lesson in police brutality for teachers

7,200 school teachers passed an IBA test but their contracts weren’t renewed.


Hundreds of school teachers who had passed the test for permanent government jobs were tear-gassed and soused by the powerful jets of a police water cannon near the Karachi Press Club Tuesday night as they tried to march on to Chief Minister House. Hours later, after the public humiliation, the government caved in.

January 31 marked the end of the teachers’ contracts, which had already been extended by six months. In a bid to press the government into giving them their jobs back, they amassed at the press club at around noon. The group grew frustrated by the evening when no headway was made and they decided to march to CM House. The police were waiting for them at Fountain Chowk across from Governor House. In the ensuing clash, a few teachers were badly beaten and at least two were reported to have fallen unconscious. Many of them were injured.

They were forced to retreat towards the press club, while police in riot gear followed them, chanting “Naara-e-Takbir, Allahu Akbar” as if some victory had been accomplished. As many as 40 protesting teachers were taken into custody. At least six tear gas shells fell into the back yard of the press club, scattering the coughing and spluttering journalists. Pools of water on the road outside left over by the cannon made the stench unbearable for up to an hour after the action and passers-by who found themselves in the middle of the ruckus also teared up.

Matiari teacher Allah Dino Talpur, who has a Master’s degree, was one of the people who fell unconscious. Even after he recovered his hands were ice cold and the tears were still flowing. He told The Express Tribune that the Sindh education minister was not keeping his word which is why they were compelled to protest. “We were given a lollipop,” he said, referring to the six-month extension.

A travel agency employee, Abbas Ali, got stuck in his parking lot along with coworkers, during the riot. After witnessing the action, they were full of strong words against the government.

Giving in

After the entire exercise, the government issued an ordinance late Tuesday night, giving 5,700 out of 7,200 of the teachers permanent jobs. All of them passed a test set by the Institute of Business Administration across Sindh.

This was announced by the deputy commissioner for the south, Mustafa Jamal Qazi. He told The Express Tribune that Governor Ishratul Ebad had issued the ordinance which is now with the law department. “The teachers will be notified by the Sindh education department in the morning,” he said, adding that the cases of the remaining teachers are being scrutinized and will be resolved in the next two or three days.

When asked why the police had to be called in, Qazi said that the area around CM House was a red zone and according to the standard operating procedures, the police had to come into action to thwart any protests or gatherings there.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 1st, 2012.
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