‘Indian Republic Day black day’: The longstanding symbols of endurance call for liberation

Demonstrations held in AJK, seminars in twin cities against atrocities in Indian Kashmir.


Pro-freedom and anti-Indian slogans echoed on avenues across Azad Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday.

Hundreds took to the streets to protest against atrocities committed by security forces in Indian Kashmir and to reiterate their longstanding demand for self-determination.

The demonstrations were held to mark Indian Republic Day as black day on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir, while various events were organised in the federal capital and Rawalpindi to endorse the demands of the Kashmiris.

In Muzaffarabad and Mirpur, people from all walks of life actively took part in the demonstrations while waving black flags and brandishing black armbands to condemn human rights violations by  Indian forces in occupied Kashmir and India’s “hegemonic designs” and its “forced and unlawful occupation of Indian Kashmir since the last 64 years”. The protestors marched through all major streets of the city shouting anti-India and pro-freedom slogans.

Speakers in Muzaffarabad said India undertook several constitutional and administrative measures to annex Kashmir in total disregard of the Security Council resolution of 24th January 1957.

In Mirpur, the procession turned into the protest rally at the central Shaheed Chowk, where prominent leaders and human rights activist addressed the gathering. The speakers urged the United Nations and the world community to take immediate notice of Indian brutalities unleashed against the innocent Kashmiris in the held valley and to play a role in the settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

A memorandum comprising unanimously passed resolutions in line with the sentiments of the people of Kashmir was moved to the United Nations Office in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The speakers reiterated full solidarity with their Kashmiri brethren in their “just and principled struggle” for the freedom of their motherland from Indian yoke.

Meanwhile, leaders of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) held an event in Rawalpindi to observe the Indian Republic Day as black day.

JKLF Chairman Javed Ahmed Mir said the Kashmiri people and freedom fighters had rendered matchless sacrifices for the Kashmir cause. He added that the freedom movement will reach its logical end.

JKLF Senior Vice-Chairman Dr Irfan Ashraf said Kashmir  is a nuclear flashpoint and  the people of Pakistan and India are the ones to suffer because a major percentage of their national budget is allocated to defence.

“India, contrary to its claim of being a democratic republic, continues to illegally occupy Indian Kashmir against the will of the people who are struggling for their basic social, democratic and human rights,” said Ashraf.

He said the observance of the black day on the eve of India’s Youm-i-Jamhooria (republic day) was a clear sign that the Kashmiri people will never bow before the “unlawful occupants”.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 27th, 2012. 
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