Tribune’s Gamechangers 2011: Zombie_Ksa and the Pakistan Cyber Army

Cyber wars and the battle to block porn.

The war front has a new, uncharted battleground – the internet.

This year saw a sharp increase in cyber warfare between India and Pakistan, with tit for tat defacing and hacking of government and public websites on both sides of the border. The Pakistan Cyber Army, a loose conglomerate of Pakistani hackers has led this battle, which some term childish even as other cheer on.

Teach India a lesson has not been the only battle cry however. Lone hacker Zombie_Ksa (Jawad Ehsan alias Hamza - the founder of PAKBugs, a group of hackers) proved to be a game changer by systematically hacking the Pakistan Supreme Court website and the PTA website, demanding the blockage of pornographic sites in Pakistan. Later in the year the PTA sent a notification to ISPs calling for the blockage of over 1,000 porn sites.

Quote of the year: “Baby I’m here to tell this **** world that we are Pakistan, not Pornistan…” – Zombie_KSA

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