Discussion on capital city’s governance this week

Capital cities in most countries epitomise national diversity and are viewed as symbols of a nation’s pride.


Experts and parliamentarians will discuss capital’s governance in a consultative conference on Thursday.

The roundtable will be held by The Forum of Federations and the Centre for Civic Education Pakistan (CCEP).

“Capital cities in most countries epitomise national diversity and are viewed as symbols of a nation’s pride. They not only serve as a seat for national government but also serve as host to a variety of national institutions and foreign embassies,” said  CCEP’s Zafarullah Khan.

“This way, the capital city takes on a special political, administrative and cultural role that differs from other cities,” he remarked. At the same time, capital cities are a place where people use local services and participate in political activities, Khan added.

Unfortunately in Pakistan, very little research has been conducted on the capital’s issues. Consequently, there is little or no debate on its governance, Khan said.

“Following the 18th Amendment, the Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) was created to look after the social sector after the abolition of the concurrent list,” he said. When inquired about the need of CADD when the Capital Development Authority and Islamabad Capital Territory Administration were already present, Khan said that there are several issues which demand a serious debate to democratise the city’s governance. The roundtable intends to understand and examine this and other related issues.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 12th, 2011.
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