Governor Punjab awards Essa Khan for honesty

Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer gave an award and cash prize to a hotel employee, Essa Khan, for returning fifty thousand dollars to a guest at his hotel in Gilgit.

The Governor held a ceremony at the Governor House on Wednesday, where Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan Syed Mehdi Shah was also invited.

Taseer appreciated the hotel employee and said his honesty had earned fame for Pakistan throughout the world.

Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan said he was proud to live on the land of brave and honest people.

Essa Khan, 51, discovered the money in $100 notes left in the room of a Japanese worker at the Serena Hotel in Gilgit, reported the BBC.

Khan, who earns about Rs 21,000 a month, says he never considered keeping the money. He has been invited to receive an award from a state governor for his honesty. “My duty with the hotel and my family upbringing teaches me nothing else,” he said. “Times are hard for everyone, but that doesn’t mean we should start stealing and taking things which do not belong to us.”
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