‘A fight for Pakistan’s honour’

A Quran recitation ceremony was held to pray and remember the victims of the suicide attack in Mohmand Agency, at the Baacha Khan central office.

While addressing the ceremony ANP secretary general Amin Khattak said that there were terrorists living in the country.

He added that people who followed the mindset of General Ziaul Haq and General Hameed Gul were the ones protecting these terrorists.

It was said that the war against terrorism was not limited to a province alone, instead it was a war fought to ensure Pakistan’s honour.

He spoke of the need to extend support to the world in combating the menace of terrorism.

Khattak claimed that Pakhtuns were the ones being targeted for terrorist activities.

The doors to education have been closed for this group, he added.

During President Pervez Musharraf’s regime miscreants had been confined to specific places, he said, but now they had spread to other areas.

Khattak proposed control over the tribal areas from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa instead of from Islamabad.

He said that peace should be established through the use of negotiations.

ANP’s Bashir Khan said that democratic forces should support Pakhtuns in the battle against terrorism.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 12th, 2010.
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