Asking Ustad (the teacher) Rabbabni, a Tajik, to head the High Peace Council to start a peace process with the Afghan resistance was wise. It was a signal to the predominantly Pashtun militias that the non-Pashtun North was also on board. Indeed, not everyone in the north, or in the south, was. Some, like Dr Abdullah Abdullah, a former Foreign Minister, believed that talking to the Taliban was futile. Some others stood to benefit from the status quo. Though possible, it is unlikely that anyone of them was behind the assassination.
The Taliban appear to be the main suspect and may have had some motive as well. Besides being old adversaries — they removed the Rabbani led government in 1995 — some of them feared that Ustad’s efforts to reach out to them were aimed to split the movement. If it was, therefore, a Taliban sponsored act, it was extremely foolish. Since only a broad-based agreement ensures peace and stability in Afghanistan, eliminating Rabbani who once led the largest multi-ethnic party in the country, makes reconciliation amongst diverse Afghan groups even more difficult than it normally would be.
Long before the US conceded that the Taliban had to be engaged in a dialogue, the late president had publicly opposed the use of force against them. Yet another factor that made him an ideal interlocutor for the Taliban was his insistence that there could be no peace in Afghanistan till the occupation was vacated. His opposition to the ‘strategic agreement’, reportedly being negotiated between Washington and Kabul to grant the former, the right to maintain operational basis beyond 2014, was well known.
That places America on the ‘whodunit’ list too. Admittedly, there is no circumstantial evidence that there was a hidden Yankee hand. Their desire to pin the crime on the latest emerging superpower, the Haqqani network, however, was all too evident. Almost all Western analysts and commentators, after conceding that the evidence was lacking, could not help blurting out that “it looked like” a Haqqani handiwork. (Reminds me of a pre-Mumbai terrorist act in India, when many experts from the other side warned against jumping to conclusion, but then suggested that it was the “Lashkar” as in the LeT.)
For most of us, this nitpicking is superfluous. We already know the perpetrators: the ones we hate the most. What must, however, concern us deeply are the likely developments post Rabbani. That it would take quite a while before the intra-Afghan dialogue could resume, assuming of course, that it had started in the first place, is no big deal. Afghans take their time. It is the argument that Afghanistan was best served by another Durand Line — this time along the Hindukush — which we now must take more seriously.
Our main argument against a possible North-South divide in Afghanistan — besides none of its neighbours relish the prospect — has always been that all Afghan factions were passionately nationalist. One is not sure if such noble sentiments survive all odds. The late colonel Yahyah Effendi, an accomplished historian in his own right and whose views I value more than the current cartographic strategists, had started smelling a rat more than a decade ago.
The Soviets toyed with the idea when their withdrawal was imminent. Mujahideen dissuaded them. If the Americans, in view of their bases located north of a convenient divide, were also thinking about it, I wonder if we in the region are giving some thought on how to best scuttle this design.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 27th, 2011.
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The US is not leaving Northern Afghanistan nor Northern Iraq completely. Period. From the US point of view a nuclear armed Pakistan where the Nuclear button is always under the control of the Pakistan Army is less dangerous, because the Pakistani Army high command making decisions will always be composed of rationalists.
A Nuclear armed Iran is considerably more dangerous. The Iranian Mullahs took the longest time to accept armistice with Saddam's Iraq after the war developed into a no win situation for both protogonists, because the religious beliefs of the Mullahs forbids them to accept rational choices when it comes to compromise.
At this point the choice that Iran has, even if they share interests with the Taliban in seeing the US end its presence in Afghanistan, is either to accept a negotiated government in Kabul that would be possibly be overrun by the Taliban. Or keep supporting its current allies that comprised of the Northern Alliance and accept a defacto partition that would leave the US with its bases in Northern Afghanistan.
However a North South interim divide from Iran's point of view also leaves a civil war on the doorsteps of Pakistan. Keeps the Pakistani Army focused on the US bases there. And the US would still be Pakistan centric at least in Afghanistan rather than turn their attentiion to Iran.
If this scenario was thought thru by Iranian intelligence than it is quite possible that the killing of Ustad Rabbani may have been carried out at the behest of the Iranian spooks and not the US as the General implies. The method used would still point to an execution implicating the Pakistani intelligence.
If the Americans, in view of their bases located north of a convenient divide, were also thinking about it, I wonder if we in the region are giving some thought on how to best scuttle this design.
One way of scuttling any possibility of this divide would be to hold out an assurance to the ethnic groups making up the majority of the Northern population of an equitable stake in an united Afgfhanistan. Even if we forget all else, Ahmad Shah Masood and now Rabbani assassinations, make this really difficult.
The same applies to all ethnic and sectarian minorities, who obviously find it difficult to trust the people who perpetrated a massacre at Mazar-e-Sharif. However, some regional players could improve the situation if they could show that they are serious about 'tanzeems' like LeJ and SSP etc.
Is anyone listening?
But later it was proved that LeT was involved in Mumbai so what are you really suggesting?
Blockquote> The Soviets toyed with the idea when their withdrawal was imminent. Mujahideen dissuaded them. If the Americans, in view of their bases located north of a convenient divide, were also thinking about it, I wonder if we in the region are giving some thought on how to best scuttle this design.Blockquote
We in the region are more busy securing our personal/family interests -top on agenda is moving up in the ranks, key posts and career extensions.
How to scuttle? Our establishment is a master at playing the spoiler. Ask the Soviets, ISAF, US. Instead of building our nation, we remain fascinated by our self importance in causing more turmoil.
hmm i wonder how the afghans will respond to your proposal to partition their country.they already despise pakistan,better watch out for the wrath of the afghan.
Balkanization or redrawing of boundaries and giving birth to smaller nations containing homogenius population (of the same tribe) in the Pak/Afghan areas is one solution and should reduce the violence in that area. None of the other alternatives like Grand loya jirga, Afghan peace council,Strategic depth etc have decreased the violence. The Taliban has no inclination to share the power with the hazaras or the tajikhs or the uzbeks. The pashtuni areas of afghanistan and pakistan would like to have a united pashtunistan or atleast would like to make the national boundary irrelevant. Pak does not have any writ over these areas on their side of the border irrespective of their claims. Afganistan govt had no writ outside Kabul. The status quo , if continued as it exists is not leading to any peaceful solution at all. This balkanization may have its spill over effects in pakistan also which may also be good to bottle up the terrorists in pakistan..
@Nadir: You have not to be rude or lose your temper. It is an academic exercise and the General is just speculating and not accusing anyone. I do not personally know the General but I am amazed by your very unprofessional outburst. As they say, if you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Have a good day.
More nonsense on conspiracy theories.
Haqqani and company are engaged in selfish power struggle, and PAK is giving tacit support for hegemony in Afghanistan. PAK sees that the present situation as exactly as it was during Soviet withdrawal, so supporting PAK interest faction in Afghanistan. Except this time around it is backfiring on PAK. If PAK establishment can make the analysis, US establishment can also make the counter analysis. US has economic and political means to achieve the desire end result in Afghanistan with or without PAK and PAK has no economic or political backing of the world.
Okay, so the homeland of Afghan Pashtuns lies south of the Hindu Kush. If the the Afghans decide for some reason democratically decide to have a north-south divide along ethnic lines they would have every right to do so.
However, reality would suggest that such a division would pose a serious problem for Pastuns, many of them who then like to unite the Afghan Pashtun part with the Pakistan Pashtun part.
And that could be the disastrous blowback of the much vaunted 'strategic depth' theory which has managed to alienate just about everyone Afghan ethnic group under the sun.
Hor chupo gunnay!
I love reading your analysis they are always insightful.
General Asad:
I have been saying this from a few months since I started to post on this forum. That a partition along the Hindu Kush is now inevitable. The US has not awakened to this scenario suddenly but the stratetigic thinkers had this solution in the back of their minds for a long time.
Although there is no denying that the Ustad was one of those Tajik leaders that still had a great relationship with the Pakistani Army and the ISI. But the ethnic groups that make up the balance of the non Pashtun population in Afghanistan and the active leadership that represents them have a long time ago come to the conclusion that the Taliban leadership is irreconciliable.
You have a valid argument that since he may have been the last link that could have brought the Panshiris along with the Northern Alliance and the Taliban into some form of mutually tolerant arrangement. It was not in the interest of the thinkers within the Pakistan's security establishment to eliminate him physically, and moreover lately when the US is accusing the Pakistani security establishement of anything that goes wrong, did not accuse them of the killing of Rabbani.
However, sometimes as you may have studied in history it is worthwhile considering an interim partition till the political evolution can prepare this unfortunate country for perpetual conciliation. And this interim peace will give the badly needed time as it is in Pakistan's interest to find a better economic footing.
What the!! this is getting ridiculous now! Who do you come up with all this? Scuttle what design exactly?