Edhi funds $4m equipment for JPMC

Up to 160 breast cancer patients will get free treatment on state of the art Helix Tomotherapy units on daily basis.


The Edhi Foundation has announced a funding of $4 million for the equipment for 'Bilquis & Abdul Sattar Edhi - Breast Radiation Bay' at Radiation Oncology, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) Karachi.

The Radiation Bay, which is set to begin its services in April next year, will be jointly operated by Patients Aid Foundation (PAF-JPMC) and the Sindh government, said Dr. Tariq Mahmood, Professor Emeritus, Radiation Oncology, Patients' Aid Foundation, on Tuesday.

At the facility, up to 160 breast cancer patients will get free treatment on state of the art Helix Tomotherapy units on daily basis.

Sindh govt has also pledged to provide funds for repair and maintenance of the equipment after expiry of its annual warranty.

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