The God of Quran

The God of the Quran is not an impersonal cosmic spirit that creates and evolves in a passive manner

The writer is a geopolitical analyst. She also writes at and tweets @AneelaShahzad

The God of Quran is not a pantheistic one that deems the universe to be God itself, and holds that all of the universe and nature evolve as a whole, in one Divine reality. Nor is it a panentheistic one that deems the universe to be a part of the body of God, making God present in everything and also transcending everything, as it also exists beyond the material universe.

The God of the Quran is not an impersonal cosmic spirit that creates and evolves in a passive manner, perhaps experiencing itself in the grand flux. Wherein nothing is good or bad, rather every event is an unfolding of the possibilities of the eternally evolving whole.

Rather, the God of the Quran is a non-anthropomorphic, personal one, as in it is One, the Hearing, the Seeing, the All-Knowing. God is a just God, who will manifest as the Judge on the Day of Judgment. More so, the Quran attributes several attributes, such as the Magnificent, the Exalted above all, the Full of Wisdom, the Witness upon all, the Absolute Truth; all things that describe a unique entity, composed in its Being, in opposition to a diluted presence, smudged across the universe, with little say on everyday practical matters. For such a universe where God a passive, non-judgmental, self-indulged, self-experiencing force, acting in a flux, a movement of innumerable events, man becomes the epitome of its experience and conscience, man becomes the god!

Opposite to that, the Quran points to a present and involved God, "All that are in the heavens and the earth question Him for their needs, every day He is at His affairs" 55:29. Rather He is so close to each one of us, He hears us individually, "And when My bondsmen question thee concerning Me, then surely, I am near. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calleth unto Me…" 2:186.

So, the Quran leaves no doubt regarding God holding a unique personality, nothing possibly comparable to the human-person, yet one that is completely undiluted, undiffused, undivided, one whole. The Quran paints a picture of unmatched persona of a mighty King, beset on His mighty throne, 'And thou seest the angels thronging round the Throne, hymning the praises of their Lord. And they are ordained with certain truth. And the cry is: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!' 39:75. And of the bondsmen, when they will eventually reach the promised heavens, they will be allowed to see His kingdom, 'And when thou seest, thou wilt see there plentifulness and a kingdom great' 76:20.

'He is free of need' 112:2, but that does not make Him a dormant, inactive God, rather knowledge, creation, beauty and light sprout out of Him, and in His realms of abundances; He is the Perceiver, the Painter, the 3D Animator, the 4D Sustainer, and Holder of the matrix that will conclude the Universe and re-birth it in a different realm. He originates creation and repeats it 85:13; he is 'the Forgiver of sin, the Accepter of repentance, the Stern in punishment, the Bountiful…' 40:3; rather 'He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise', 59: 23,24. Yet, '… He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah is Seer of what ye do' 57:4.

What makes the heart weary is that many among humanity seem to be alien to the recognition of the one, giving, merciful God. Like Stephen Hawking, who said, 'One can't prove that God doesn't exist… but science makes God unnecessary' and that 'the laws of physics can explain the universe without the need for a creator'. And like neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky, who tries to explain all his profound observations in the field to disprove both God and free-will. And like Ray Kurzweil, futurist and director of engineering at Google has suggested that advanced AI could lead to a kind of transcendent, God-like intelligence, providing answers to existential questions and potentially improving humanity to an almost divine state. One should notice that this is not the first time humanity has found escape routes from God, Western scientific community has largely been believers of Materialism and Scientism, and even before the scientific revolution people had always found reason to reject God's existence, replacing Him with many gods, or demigods, idolatry, animalism or the likes.

This phenomenon is well-known to God, 'and when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are repelled, and when those beside Him are mentioned, behold! they are gladdened' 39:45. The truth is that no amount of scientific advance or philosophising will ever be enough to prove or disprove the existence of God; this has been decreed as a matter of the heart not just the mind.

Just like the migratory birds, without knowing the science behind it, know their direction of flight in their thousands of miles journeys, and scientist are still working on whether their navigation is geomagnetic, solar, celestial, visual, olfactive or based on infrasound - with no real answers. Because long before these scientists were born there was a being that set virtual biological compasses inside the bodies of the birds. Because He is the Sustainer, and all things ask Him for their sustenance, and He commits Himself of fulfilling their needs before they are brought into existence, in ways of setting ecosystems, in ways of setting in place natural laws, in ways of putting life in the wombs, and in ways of embedding the right information in the right places.

Therefore, it is upon each soul and each heart to find its true navigation that directs it towards the simple and pure path, that goes to the loving, forgiving, answering and giving God. So, ponder in your heart and find the magneton or graviton embedded inside you that navigates you to a, billions of lightyears faraway, Truth.

Because there is coming a day when time and space will be folded, and distances will be shortened, and on that day nothing will avail a person 'but only one who comes to Allah with a heart with submission/ humility/peace' 26:89.

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