Torkham reopening
The reopening of Torkham border after authorities on both sides of the western frontiers reached an accord is quite reassuring. This Pak-Afghan border crossing point constitutes a lifeline status for millions on either side, and is a prime source of bread and butter apart from state-centric trade and commerce. The fact that this consolation land activity went for a toss and unscrupulous elements' whims and wishes prevailed to derail a good neighbourhood is worrisome. This tendency must be checked, and all efforts made to not only keep the borders open under lawful activity, but also to shun radicalism.
Torkham off and on had remained a theatre of activity, and trigger-happiness from Afghans is widely to be blamed for it. It seems border authorities are either not so well versed with orders from Kabul or have an axe to grind as they clash on with their Pakistani counterparts. The unilateral construction of check-posts on Torkham is a case in point, which resulted in severing trade and movement for more than three weeks. What is desired is an institutional mechanism to report such fissures, and to move in timely to pacify the situation and not to graduate it into a full-fledged brawl. It is hoped that the ministerial and flag meetings, scheduled shortly, will pave the way for congeniality and a better sense will prevail.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are passing through tough times, and are witnessing a surge in terrorism. Thus, the need of the hour is to promote confidence building measures, and to stop seeing each other from the prism of suspicion and otherness. Talks of hot-pursuit from certain quarters for avenging non-state actors' unbridled activities across the borders will further deteriorate the situation. The best way out is to sit down with the Taliban rulers and convince them to exterminate TTP, and the likes, for the collective good of the region. It's time for Kabul to value the generosity that flows across Torkham and other crossing points from Pakistan, bringing in food and essential supplies to millions of starving mouths.