Jawad Ahmad grapples with the LESCO

Singer's wife allegedly involved in power theft

In a video circulating online, singer Jawad Ahmad was filmed grappling with representatives of the Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO). The dispute rose over issues of alleged electricity theft committed by his wife's beauty salon, escalating in a close-quarters brawl between the two parties.

As per reports, LESCO threatened to involve authorities while Ahmad shoved the officials away. The brawl was broken up by the crowd, though without a peaceful conclusion.

The internet has been on a roll ever since the news made it to social media. Users on Instagram had much to say on the matter of Ahmad getting into this scandal as a politician. "Everything is fair for yourself," a user mocked. "According to him, he's the only person who is sincere to Pakistan," another recalled, punctuating the comment with laughing emojis.

"What's going to happen to his election campaign now?" a user appropriately wondered. "The behavior of people in this country is that after committing a wrong act, they neither feel ashamed nor have any modesty, and on the contrary, they commit atrocities and bullying," another remarked.

This isn't the first time Ahmad has been involved in a hostile controversy. In summer of last year, he labelled Abrarul Haq a "religious hypocrite" on social media, the Billo De Ghar hitmaker mused that Ahmad's remarks were most likely prompted by "failure" and "jealousy".

"This statement – him calling me a sinner and a religious hypocrite – it's not right, you see," explained Haq in a recent interview on a digital news platform. "Only Allah has the power to call me a religious hypocrite. I know I'm not, because I always mention Allah in my statements."

With both artists having been active in the music industry simultaneously during their singing careers, Haq maintained that he had always been the more successful musician. "We used to be competitors, but I'd always end up getting the awards whenever we were running against each other," remarked Haq. Introducing a note of pity for his accuser, he added "I used to feel sorry for him."

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