'Annual mammography screenings are a proven lifesaver'



Women should understand the importance of annual mammography screenings and they must break free from societal taboos surrounding breast health and openly discuss their concerns, fostering a culture of awareness and empowerment, said a renowned breast cancer surgeon from CMH Rawalpindi Dr Riffat Naqvi.

"The stigma associated with breast cancer and promoting proactive measures can be the only way to ultimately improve survival rates and quality of life for those affected," she said and reminded, "October is dedicated to breast cancer month where awareness is crucial for saving lives."

By encouraging women to speak openly about their concerns and undergo regular screenings, we can break down the cultural and social barriers that often hinder timely diagnosis and treatment, she added. It is time to shatter the taboos surrounding breast health and create a supportive environment where women feel empowered to prioritise their well-being.

Annual mammography screenings are a proven lifesaver in the fight against breast cancer, she said. "By detecting abnormalities at an early stage, women can access effective treatment options, significantly improving their chances of survival and reducing the risk of recurrence," she said.

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