Maryam Nawaz blaming PTI to hide incompetence: PA opposition leader

Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar accused the Chief Minister of inciting unrest in the province through her press conference

Photo: FILE

Leader of the Punjab Assembly, Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar, claimed that Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has issued a charge sheet against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in her press conference to 'cover up her bad governance and is blaming PTI to hide her incompetence.'

During a press conference at the Lahore Press Club with other assembly members, Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar said that private and government institutions are being politicised.

He added that all the accusations are being directed at the Insaf Student Federation (ISF) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), while their own ministers admit the incident occurred, yet the police are saying something else.

Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar further stated that in the past eight months, Maryam Nawaz has done nothing but order the arrests and raids against PTI.

He recalled that their party had once thrown the image of Benazir Bhutto from a plane. He asked, "Are Dr. Yasmin Rashid and Zarqa not women?"

He also remarked that Maryam Nawaz should hold negotiations with students and that a woman who has no connection to the protests was brought in for the press conference.

He criticised the labeling of PTI as a terrorist organisation, adding that PTI is fighting against their unlawful fascism.

Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar alleged that the Chief Minister was inciting unrest in the province through her press conference.

He further alleged that the wife of the PTI's Deputy Parliamentary Leader was abducted, and the law and order situation across Punjab has deteriorated.

He clarified that they do not encourage any child to take the law into their own hands.

The Opposition Leader also alleged that the Punjab government has listed the names of journalists covering the protests and accused the government of heading towards martial law, claiming that a constitutional amendment would be a step towards it.

Maryam Nawaz slams PTI

Earlier on Wednesday, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has rejected allegations of a rape incident at a private college in Lahore, labeling it as a fabricated case

Maryam Nawaz referred to a political party as "terrorist organisation," for orchestrating the conspiracy and using children to spread misinformation.

She said that PTI's loyal journalists and vloggers issued statements, and a girl was presented as an eyewitness, who falsely claimed that she had heard noises and saw locked rooms in the basement, prompting a call to Rescue 1122.



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