PA seeks proposals to define limits on protests

Speaker questions legality of arrests, stresses need for transparency

Punjab Assembly Speaker Malik Ahmad Khan. PHOTO: FACEBOOK/Malik Ahmed Khan


In a move aimed at clarifying the boundaries of political protests and government action, Punjab Assembly Speaker Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan has sought formal proposals from both the treasury and opposition benches regarding the limitation of protests.

The Speaker emphasised the importance of clearly defining the limits of governmental intervention during protests and the extent to which opposition parties can express dissent without overstepping boundaries.

The Speaker's direction came after the recent arrests of opposition lawmakers, which sparked controversy. He raised concerns over the legality of the arrests, questioning whether the police had sought appropriate permission before proceeding with the detentions.

He stressed that there are established protocols, including obtaining permission from the Speaker's office prior to any arrests involving lawmakers.

"We need to clarify whether protesters are peacefully demonstrating or carrying petrol bombs or clubs. Politicians should express their stance through political discourse, not violence," Khan said, underscoring the need for politicians to maintain decorum during protests.

The Speaker added that while those involved in unlawful activities such as arson or disturbing public order should face consequences, individuals not involved in such activities should not be disrespected or treated unjustly.

Minister Rehman responded to concerns raised by the Speaker, assuring the assembly that the arrests were made in accordance with the rules.

He explained that in the Speaker's absence, the deputy speaker had given the necessary permission for the arrests. However, Rehman agreed to issue instructions to the police to ensure that all future arrests follow the correct protocol, including notifying the Speaker's office beforehand.

In a bid to protect the dignity of lawmakers, Speaker Khan emphasised that the assembly would uphold the respect of any member who faces mistreatment or humiliation.

He also issued production orders for several detained opposition MPAs, ensuring their presence in the assembly.

PPP MPA Mumtaz Ali Chang criticised the Sindh police for their inability to control the situation, prompting a sharp retort from PTI lawmaker Jam Amanullah, who suggested that the speech should be directed at former President Asif Ali Zardari.

Minister Rehman, however, assured the House that operations against the dacoits were ongoing and showing success.

Following the completion of the day's agenda, the Speaker adjourned the session until October 14 at 2 pm.

Earlier, the Provincial Assembly of Punjab has made a major move towards improving its legislative and oversight functions by introducing Revised Rules of Procedure aimed at fostering greater transparency, inclusivity, and accountability.

In his keynote address during the launch, Speaker Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan emphasised the need for legislative frameworks to evolve in line with modern challenges.

"We live in a time when democratic institutions face immense pressure from polarization, extremism, and economic issues like inflation and unemployment. It is in parliaments that we can reimagine governance, rebuild public trust, and reshape the social contract between the state and citizens," he stated.

The speaker highlighted that legislatures should move beyond routine legislative work, focusing instead on improving public trust through increased transparency and accountability.

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