Car AC gas leakage snuffs out four lives on M2

Motorway travellers found unconscious near Bhera Interchange

Ali says the combustion of natural gas produced carbon monoxide and it destroys the red cells in the blood which maintained the oxygen level.


Four members of a Lahore-based family lost their lives due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning while traveling from Lahore to Islamabad near the Bhera Interchange on the motorway on Wednesday.

Initially, it was believed the deaths were caused by food poisoning, as the family had consumed food during their journey. However, forensic analysis has now confirmed that carbon monoxide accumulated inside the vehicle, leading to the fatal outcome.

The victims were identified as Romila (60), Mahwish (30), Samar (28), and a four-year-old boy, Aun. They were found unconscious in their car by National Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP) officers during routine patrol.

One survivor, 30-year-old Umar Qasim, remains in critical condition at Tehsil Headquarters (THQ) Hospital in Bhera.

According to forensic reports, carbon monoxide likely entered the vehicle due to a faulty exhaust system or a leak from the car's air conditioning unit, causing the victims to suffer from asphyxiation.

Blood samples confirmed the presence of the deadly gas, ruling out earlier suspicions of food poisoning.

Initially, authorities were investigating whether expired juice or bakery items had caused the deaths, but forensic results have shifted the focus to the vehicle's technical issues.

Investigations are now centred on determining the exact source of the gas leak.

Earlier in August, four members of a Lahore-based family lost their lives due to suspected food poisoning on the motorway near Bhera.

The incident occurred when a car, travelling from Lahore to Islamabad, was found stationary on the side of the motorway by the National Highways & Motorway Police (NHMP) North Zone during routine patrolling.

The NHMP officers, responding to the emergency, found five occupants in the car, all in a semi-conscious state.

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