Ariana Grande addresses rumours about Ethan Slater romance, defends him against tabloid allegations

Ariana Grande addresses her relationship with Ethan Slater, refuting tabloid rumours and defending his character

Ethan Slater and Ariana Grande in New York City. Photo: THEIMAGEDIRECT.COM

Ariana Grande has publicly addressed her relationship with actor Ethan Slater, speaking out against tabloid rumours that have circulated since their romance became public. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Grande set the record straight, clarifying that the claims suggesting Slater "stepped out" on his wife, Lilly Jay, to date her are inaccurate.

Grande, 31, and Slater, who co-star in the upcoming film Wicked, sparked controversy when news of their relationship broke while Slater was still married to Jay. The actor later filed for divorce, which further fueled speculation that their romance overlapped with his marriage. Grande, who had also recently separated from her ex-husband Dalton Gomez, addressed the situation, saying, "Of course, I went through a lot of life changes during the filming of this movie. A lot of people that were working on it did."

Grande expressed her disappointment over the public's reaction to the rumours, noting that it was "a tough ride" to see people believe the "worst version" of events. Defending Slater, she added, "There couldn’t be a less accurate depiction of a human being than the one that the tabloids spread about him."

Grande praised Slater's character, saying, "No one on this earth tries harder or spreads themselves thinner to be there for the people that he loves and cares about." She emphasised that no tabloid could change his true nature, calling him a person with "a better heart" than anyone she knows.

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