May 9 riots 'unforgivable sin', says Shehbaz

PM blames PTI for straining Pak-China ties

Our Correspondent September 29, 2024
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is addressing the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Friday. SCREENGRAB


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has accused the previous Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government of damaging Pakistan-China relations and stalling progress on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

He also condemned the May 9 incident as an "unforgivable sin".

During a press conference in London on Saturday, Sharif highlighted the critical state of Pakistan's economy when his government assumed power, noting that the country was on the brink of default.

He credited Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir for playing a crucial role in securing a much-needed deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Shehbaz Sharif also urged for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine, condemning the "inhumane atrocities" being inflicted on Gaza.

"As prime minister, I have raised Pakistan's voice on the global stage," he said, referring to his recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Criticising the PTI government, the premier stated, "The last government destroyed Pak-China relations and completely halted CPEC".

However, he assured that economic and diplomatic ties between the two nations were now being restored under his leadership.

Responding to corruption allegations levelled against him and his son, Shehbaz Sharif said, "We were accused of corruption, but the British National Crime Agency (NCA) cleared us of all charges."

The prime minister also acknowledged the long-standing economic burden placed on Pakistan's poor since independence and emphasised the need for urgent reforms.

He shared details of his recent meeting with Muhammad Yunus, Chief Organiser of Bangladesh, during his visit to New York.

On international relations, Shehbaz Sharif noted, "At the United Nations, I represented the Muslim Ummah with strength."

He further added that the IMF was now satisfied with Pakistan's recent economic reforms.


Meeting with Biden


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif attended a reception hosted by US President Joe Biden for heads of government attending the UNGA session. Both leaders exchanged pleasantries, and heads of state from various countries were also present at the event.


PM for economic stability


Meanwhile, PM Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday said that the collective efforts by all the stakeholders in the government had put Pakistan on the path of economic stability and progress and called for further strenuous efforts and sacrifices to achieve the economic objectives.

During a media interaction, the prime minister elaborated that during their previous tenure of sixteen months in the government, they faced financial challenges but with collective efforts, they saved Pakistan from running into default.

Earlier, the prime minister arrived from New York where he had addressed the plenary meeting of the UN General Debate at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

In a veiled reference to the previous government of PTI, he said the former party's policies led the country to default, but 'with the grace of Allah Almighty and with their collective efforts, Pakistan is now moving towards stability and progress. The international institutions also acknowledged it.

The prime minister also expressed his satisfaction with the approval of the $7 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) extended fund facility.

Comparing last year's 32 per cent spiralling inflation rate, he said now the price hike stood at 9.6 per cent, adding the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) had also reduced the interest rate while the rates of daily commodities were showing stability.

Prime Minister Sharif said the inflation rate had nosedived but still "Everything is not a hunky-dory. We have to sweat hard and broaden the tax net without burdening those already paying it."

He said the common people had always sacrificed for the country. Now, it was time for the elite to sacrifice for the country and play their part in the country's progress.

The prime minister thanked the brotherly countries particularly the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and time-tested friend China for their support in securing the IMF programme and said that without their support, it would not have been possible.

"I particularly thank them for their support to steer Pakistan out of economic straits" he said and commended the efforts of ministers of finance, foreign affairs, secretary finance, officials and ambassadors who made efforts in this regard.

The prime minister lauded the chief of army staff for his efforts in achieving the IMF programme and said that the COAS had visited the brotherly countries which provided critical economic relief to Pakistan.

Terming it a 'team Pakistan's work', he expressed the hope that the IMF's programme would be the last one as the 240 million people and the government's efforts would accomplish it successfully.

He stressed that they would have to reduce their expenditures and strive to provide amenities to the public at their doorsteps. "Time has arrived to work hard and uphold merit which should be their hallmarks."

The prime minister also reiterated his call for a 'charter of economy'.

About his participation in the UNGA annual session, he highlighted that he had held useful meetings with different leaders of various countries including the UK, Bangladesh, Türkiye, Kuwait and others which would help to further foster their bilateral and brotherly ties.

"I have made a humble effort to convey the voice of the people of Pakistan to the world over Palestine and Gaza where more than 40,000 people including children had been martyred," he said, adding that gruesome Israeli attacks continued on Beirut which was strongly condemned by Pakistan.

The prime minister said that in his speech, he had reiterated the call for an immediate ceasefire and stressed upon the international community to wake up and work for an immediate independent Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders, besides stressing its representation in the UN.

He said that he also apprised the session of the grave situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) where the Kashmiri people had been fighting for their legitimate rights and shedding bloodshed. They had been facing brute aggression and violence by the Indian illegal occupation forces.

Modi's government with its unilateral and illegal steps had deprived IIOJK of its special status which was a violation of the respective UN resolutions and other global human rights calls. Terror and aggression in IIOJK should end and the Kashmiri people should be given the right to hold a plebiscite for independence, he added.

The prime minister, without naming PTI, also termed the 9th May riots targeting Jinnah's House, GHQ and showing disrespect for the martyrs' graves as 'an unpardonable act'.

He also expressed his optimism that Pakistan would soon become an 'Asian Tiger' as pronounced by his leader and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif whose efforts had put Pakistan on the path of rapid progress and economic stability.

He regretted that Nawaz Sharif's governments were removed through conspiracies.




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