Shocking photos show Diddy eating off naked woman at 2004 party amid sex trafficking allegations

Photos from a 2004 Miami party show Diddy Will Smith, Diana Ross, Owen Wilson and more.

Courtesy: X

Wild, newly resurfaced photos have emerged showing accused sex trafficker Sean “Diddy” Combs eating a chocolate-covered strawberry off the body of a naked woman at a 2004 Miami party. 

The Bad Boy Records founder, who was 34 at the time, is seen in the photos enjoying the dessert as the woman lies nude on a table covered in food, with only a green leaf strategically placed to cover her intimate area. 

The star-studded event included celebrities like Diana Ross, Owen Wilson, Bruce Willis, and Will Smith, none of whom appeared fazed by the risqué display. 

The shocking photos, first obtained by TMZ, have resurfaced just as Diddy faces serious legal charges for sex trafficking and racketeering. 

The disgraced rap mogul has been held without bail at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center since his September 16 arrest.

A damning federal indictment accuses Diddy of abusing and coercing women to fulfill his sexual desires and protect his reputation, with allegations stretching back to 2008. 

Earlier this year, federal agents raided his homes and found 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lube, allegedly used during notorious “freak-off” parties.

Diddy's legal team has maintained his innocence, with his lawyer stating that his client prefers to buy in bulk from Costco. The rap icon has pleaded not guilty and is reportedly eager to testify in his own defense.


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