Hezbollah under attack


Lebanon is under Israeli aggression. It is unbelievable to even register that the trigger-happy Jewish state has annihilated more than 550 people in a single day and no eyebrows were raised. The world conscience is apparently deep in slumber, and the so-called human rights propagating Western states are looking the other way. The only fault of Lebanon and its inhabitants is that they are defiant to the core when it comes to standing against the Zionist state transgressions, and Hezbollah stands tall to represent their aspirations. Dozens of air strikes spread over the last 48 hours seems to have incapacitated the pro-Iranian militia, and many of its strongholds are in ruins in terms of infrastructure and armament. The list of apathy goes on as hundreds of children and women have lost their lives in collateral damage, and there is not an iota of remorse over this human tragedy.

Israel's decision to turn on Hezbollah after bringing Hamas on knees is strategic in essence. It means that Tel Aviv is bent upon stoking fire, and is not bothered with the ramifications of a full-fledged war in one of the most volatile regions of the world. That is why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that the act is meant for altering the "security balance" in the north by taking on Hezbollah. But one of the most interesting aspects is that the Shia militia has been lethally struck for the second time in a week. Earlier, it bore the brunt of digital pager explosions and now sorties of destruction.

With Iran maintaining a silence, it could be a precursor for a disaster in the making. Remember, Tehran has yet to avenge the killing of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh on its soil, and come back fully in the war of attrition that is underway in the Middle East. With guns unlikely to go silent for days and weeks to come, it once again reminds us that the region is unnecessarily being dealt with militarily, whereas it is in need of a perpetual geopolitical solution. Will someone put across this point to warmongers?

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