Trump vows to call Xi Jinping to enforce trade deal if re-elected

Trump to enforce 2020 deal including China's promise to purchase $50 billion worth of American agricultural products

Former US President Donald Trump during an election campaign rally. - Reuters/file

During a campaign stop in Pennsylvania on Monday, former President Donald Trump declared that his first action if re-elected would be to call Chinese President Xi Jinping and demand China honor the trade agreement they made during his first term.

Speaking at a roundtable event with farmers, Trump emphasized the importance of enforcing the 2020 deal, which included a promise from China to purchase $50 billion worth of American agricultural products.

“My first call – I’m going to call up President Xi. I’m going to say, ‘You have to honor the deal you made,’” Trump said, expressing confidence that Xi would comply.

He criticized the current administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming they had failed to enforce the deal and protect American farmers.

The 2020 trade deal, dubbed the "phase one" agreement, was negotiated after a prolonged US-China trade war.

Under the terms, China committed to buying US goods, including agricultural products, in exchange for the US easing some tariffs.

However, the former president noted that much of this agreement had not been enforced since he left office.

In addition to revisiting the trade deal, Trump said he would pressure Xi to crack down on the flow of fentanyl into the United States.

He proposed enforcing the death penalty for fentanyl dealers in China, noting that the country already imposes severe penalties on drug traffickers.

“Second thing I’m going to do is I’m going to say, ‘You have to give the death penalty to your fentanyl dealers who are sending fentanyl,’” Trump said, blaming China for the surge in fentanyl-related deaths in the US.

Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has been a significant contributor to the opioid crisis in the United States.

US authorities have long identified China as the primary source of chemicals used in its production, although Beijing denies these claims.

Trump also took aim at his Democratic opponents, stating that Harris and Biden were weak on China and had failed to secure the US border, allowing drugs like fentanyl to enter the country through Mexico.

He accused the Biden administration of having the "weakest border in history" and boasted that the border was stronger under his leadership, when "hundreds of miles of wall" were built.

The roundtable event, held in Smithton, Pennsylvania, was part of Trump’s strategy to appeal to key voters in swing states.

Pennsylvania, a battleground state, is expected to play a crucial role in the upcoming election.

Trump used the occasion to reinforce his commitment to supporting American farmers and reducing foreign influence on US agriculture.

Trump's tough rhetoric on China and trade has been a central theme of his campaign as he seeks to draw a contrast with the current administration’s policies.

His proposed tariffs on Chinese imports aim to revive US manufacturing, while his stance on cracking down on drug trafficking aligns with his broader law-and-order platform.

With the 2024 presidential race heating up, Trump’s focus on economic and trade issues, particularly with China, continues to resonate with his base as he promises to protect American interests and hold foreign adversaries accountable.


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