'Resolution of Kashmir dispute vital for regional stability'



The former Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Member Legislative Assembly Dr. Pir Syed Muhammad Ali Raza Bukhari said the permanent and durable solution of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) dispute is vital to bring peace and tranquility in South Asia.

On the occasion of International Day of Peace, Dr. Bukhari said, "On this day, we renew our commitment to a future free from violence, where justice, equality, and human rights reign. Peace begins in our hearts, extending to our communities and nations."

He asserted, "Through dialogue, compassion and understanding, we can build a world where safety and dignity are the rights of all, including the right of self-determination for every oppressed nation like Kashmiris who have been fighting since long for their birth right granted by the United Nations and the same world body has passed dozens of resolutions to guarantee the Kashmiris plebiscite right."

Without the permanent solution of the IIOJK, peace can't be guaranteed in South Asia, said Dr. Bukhari, adding further delay in the settlement of Kashmir dispute may put the whole world's peace at stake.

He appealed to the world community on the day of International Peace to come forward and settle IIOJK issue as per the wishes of Kashmiris aimed at making South Asia peaceful for the global peace and security.

Dr Bukhari said it is India that has been using military power ruthlessly to silent the political voices and for that dozens of black laws were introduced by the Indian government in IIOJK, which is the worst kind of human rights violations. "Under these black laws, thousands of Kashmiri political leaders and activists have been sent behind bars since 1990 till now," he added.

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