SHC introduces reward points for district courts' judges

System to help speed up proceedings of cases in subordinate courts


Sindh High Court has announced a new policy aimed at improving the performance of subordinate courts and to evaluate the performance and capacity of the judges.

According to notification, a reward point system has been established to encourage the speedy resolution of cases in district courts. The policy will take effect on October 1.

Under the new system, judges will earn units based on their case management. Each judge in the subordinate court is required to obtained 125 units per month. A judge who fails to meet this target for two consecutive months will be deemed to have poor performance. An inquiry will be initiated for judges with poor performance, and they will be summoned by a monitoring judge from the High Court. Continued underperformance over four months will be noted in the judge's official record.

According to the policy, judges will receive one point for recording testimony in murder and rape cases, while half a unit will be awarded for other cases. Judges will earn three units for deciding a case.

Additionally, eight units will be given for framing charges in cases pending for three years. Six units will be awarded for resolving cases pending for three and a half years or five years, and three units will be given for cases pending for more than five years. In murder cases that have been pending for three years, framing charges will earn eight units, while judges will be awarded 3 units for handling cases in one year.

Furthermore, judges will be awarded two units each for recording confessions and identifications prade. Deciding a case under the PECA Act will earn six units, while narcotics will yield four units.

Judges will receive three units for judgments issued under the Hudood Ordinance and six units for disposing of cases under the Consumer Act. The policy also includes six units for handling cases of domestic violence, gas theft, and recovery. Judges will earn six units for dealing with divorce cases, dowry recovery, and related expenses. Additionally, six units will be awarded for resolving child extradition cases within three months.

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