Child development centre inaugurated

Secretary Health formally inaugurated the Center of Excellence Child Development (CECD) with the support of UNICEF.



Secretary Health Balochistan Muhammad Saleh Baloch formally inaugurated the Center of Excellence Child Development (CECD) at Sandman Provincial Hospital with the support of UNICEF.

In the opening ceremony, Director General Health Services Balochistan Dr Amin Mandukhail, UNICEF Chief Dr Maryam Darwish, UNICEF Nutrition Chief Antony Grama, MS Sandman Provincial Hospital Dr Ishaq Panizai, Director Nutrition Program Balochistan Dr Naeemullah Zirkoon, Deputy Director Balochistan Nutrition Directorate Dr Owais Tareen, UNICEF, ECD Manager Dr Sabah Shuja UNICEF and Dr Yasmeen.

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