Reclaiming love in grief

Shagufta Ejaz dedicates heartfelt note to late husband

Pakistani actor Shagufta Ejaz's husband passed away on September 12. She revealed his death in a simple post containing his picture and a caption beginning with a prayer. "My husband Yahya Siddiqui has passed away. Kindly recite Surah Fatiha for his forgiveness," she urged her followers.

In a recent post, the 59-year-old actor commemorated the life of her husband through a bittersweet note attached to a thread of pictures, which included solo captures and shots alongside family and loved ones. The note that followed was as cathartic as it was mournful.

"To my dearest husband and father of our beloved children," Shagufta began. "Though you may be gone, your love, legacy, and memory will forever be etched in my heart and the hearts of our children. Your presence in our lives was a blessing, and I'm so grateful for the time we had together."

"Your love, guidance, and support shaped me into the person I am today, and I couldn't be more thankful. Our children were the lights of your life, and you were their rock, their hero, and their shining example," the Chaudhry and Sons actor continued.

"I remember the way you made us laugh, the way you always knew how to make us feel better, and the way you always put others before yourself. Your selflessness, kindness, and generosity inspired me every day," she further reminisced.

"You may be gone, but your memory will live on through our children and me. We'll continue to celebrate your life, your achievements, and the countless memories we shared together," she vowed, before finishing with, "Rest in peace, my love. I'll carry you in my heart forever."

Since the passing of her husband, Shagufta has uploaded three posts dedicated to him on her Instagram account. Aside from this one and the one announcing his death, she shared a reel highlighting a moment of tender domesticity in her life. In the reel, her husband can be seen lovingly brushing their daughter's hair and then kissing her cheek. The compilation of these warm sentiments speaks volumes of the affectionate family that the two built together.

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