Democrats probing Trump's 2016 campaign over alleged $10 million donation from Egypt

Representative Jamie Raskin demands answers about how Justice dept under Trump handled the investigation

PHOTO:The Guardian

House Democrats have intensified their scrutiny of former President Donald Trump with a new investigation into claims that his 2016 presidential campaign may have illegally received a $10 million donation from the Egyptian government.

Led by Representative Jamie Raskin, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, Democrats are demanding answers about the alleged contribution and how the Justice Department under Trump handled—or allegedly suppressed—the investigation.

The investigation stems from reports that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi sought to funnel $10 million to Trump during his 2016 campaign, which, if true, would represent a major violation of US campaign finance laws prohibiting foreign contributions.

The Washington Post broke the story in August, revealing that federal investigators began looking into the case in 2017. Investigators found that an organization linked to Egyptian intelligence withdrew nearly $10 million in cash just five days before Trump’s inauguration.

This withdrawal raised suspicions that the money may have been used to benefit Trump’s campaign, specifically to fund the $10 million personal contribution Trump made to his own campaign just before the 2016 election.

In a letter to Trump, House Democrats stated, "Surely you would agree that the American people deserve to know whether a former president—and a current candidate for president—took an illegal campaign contribution from a brutal foreign dictator.”

They further requested that Trump provide documentation to "assure the Committee and the American public" that he did not receive funds from the Egyptian government, directly or indirectly.

The Post report also detailed how the investigation, which initially gained momentum in 2019, was eventually stalled.

According to the report, the Justice Department under Trump, led by Attorney General William Barr, blocked key efforts by FBI agents and federal prosecutors to access bank records and other financial data that could have provided definitive proof of the alleged payment.

Barr personally intervened, instructing US Attorney Jessie Liu to review the case and requesting that FBI Director Christopher Wray provide “adult supervision” over agents whom Barr accused of being overly aggressive in their pursuit of Trump’s financial records.

The investigation was quietly shut down in June 2020, with the supervising prosecutor, Michael Sherwin, concluding that there was insufficient evidence to move forward.

Critics of the investigation’s closure are concerned about how the case was handled. “Every American should be concerned about how this case ended,” a source familiar with the probe told The Washington Post.

“The Justice Department is supposed to follow evidence wherever it leads—it does so all the time to determine if a crime occurred or not.”

The revelation of the halted investigation has raised serious concerns about the possible influence of foreign governments on US elections, particularly one involving a close ally like Egypt.

Trump had met with El Sisi before the 2016 election, calling him a “fantastic guy” and continuing to praise him throughout his presidency, even referring to the Egyptian leader as his “favorite dictator” during an international summit in 2019.

Democrats in Congress are now focused on whether these cozy relations were linked to financial benefits for Trump, particularly during his campaign.

The investigation into Trump’s potential Egyptian ties comes at a critical time as the 2024 election approaches.

Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, is already mired in multiple legal challenges, including charges related to his role in the January 6 Capitol insurrection and accusations of mishandling classified documents.

If evidence surfaces that Trump accepted illegal foreign donations from Egypt, it could further complicate his campaign and raise new legal liabilities.

The timing of this investigation coincides with the recent high-profile corruption case against Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who was indicted for allegedly accepting bribes from foreign entities, including Egypt.

The parallel cases could heighten political tensions, as both Democrats and Republicans grapple with accusations of foreign influence and corruption in American politics.

While Trump has yet to face direct legal consequences over the allegations regarding Egypt, Democrats hope their investigation will provide more clarity on whether Trump’s campaign was financially supported by a foreign government.

House Democrats noted in their statement that the Justice Department under the Biden administration could re-open the case if substantial new evidence comes to light, but it remains unclear whether that will happen.

Federal campaign finance law strictly prohibits foreign nationals from making contributions to US political campaigns, and any violation of this law could result in severe penalties, including hefty fines and prison sentences.

If Trump did, in fact, receive money from the Egyptian government, it could be considered one of the most egregious examples of foreign interference in a US presidential election.

Legal experts have also pointed out that even if there is evidence that Trump received illegal funds, the Supreme Court’s rulings granting sitting presidents broad immunity for “official acts” might complicate any efforts to prosecute Trump for actions taken while in office.

However, as a candidate for the 2024 election, Trump could face renewed scrutiny from both Congress and federal prosecutors.

With the presidential race entering its final months, Democrats are ramping up pressure on Trump to explain his ties to foreign leaders like El Sisi.

The investigation could shape the narrative of Trump’s campaign, as the former president continues to deny any wrongdoing in the numerous legal battles he faces.

The Oversight Committee’s investigation is likely to keep these allegations in the spotlight, raising questions about foreign influence in Trump’s previous and current presidential runs.

As Trump continues to position himself as a top contender for the Republican nomination, the question remains whether this latest probe will impact his base of support, which has so far remained loyal despite his various legal challenges.

Nevertheless, Democrats are determined to hold Trump accountable, arguing that the American people deserve to know if foreign powers played a role in influencing their democracy.


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