Today is Friday the 13th: 5 ways to avoid bad luck this year

Stay cautious of these 5 things, as they could result in the bad luck tied to Friday the 13th lasting for years.

Courtesy: AFP

Friday the 13th is often associated with heightened awareness and caution. Be mindful of various things, as being unprepared could lead to the bad luck associated with Friday the 13th lingering for years.

It turns out that the superstitions you're likely avoiding are exactly the ones to keep in mind.

Opening an umbrella indoors is considered an omen of bad luck. Umbrellas are intended for outdoor use on rainy days or for providing shade, so using one indoors is seen as unnecessary and invites a series of unfortunate events and bad circumstances.

A well-known superstition warns that breaking a mirror can result in seven years of bad luck — or perhaps it’s due to fans of Disney associating this with Sir Hiss in “The Jungle Book.” Regardless, this time-honored belief ranks as No. 3, often making movers extra cautious when handling mirrors.

The day itself is widely regarded as unlucky. While the origins of this superstition aren’t entirely clear, suggests Christian folklore may be a factor, as Judas was the 13th guest at The Last Supper, and he betrayed Jesus, who was crucified on a Friday. Is that a bit of a stretch?

Walking under a ladder is another classic superstition! This likely started back when people used ladders to repair storefronts, homes, and buildings, causing sidewalk hazards with materials balanced above. However, religion and myth play a part as well, with mentioning that a ladder forms a triangle, symbolizing life, and passing through it is believed to tempt fate.

Be wary if a black cat crosses your path. Many of us can recall moments when things went wrong and a black cat seemed to be involved. Just ask the 1969 Chicago Cubs, whose playoff dreams were dashed after a black cat ran onto the field during a game against the New York Mets, who went on to win the World Series. The connection to witches, Halloween, and the color black, often associated with gloom, has given black cats their bad reputation. As notes, black cat adoptions tend to be low.

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